b96771de79b0c6e8bcd5421619b48fcc9d1e2f6e.svn-base 2.3 KB

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. DojoX Data
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Version 1.0
  5. Release date: 05/29/2007
  6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Project state: stable
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Project authors
  10. Jared Jurkiewicz (jared.jurkiewicz@gmail.com)
  11. Shane O'Sullivan (shaneosullivan1@gmail.com) (FlickrRestStore)
  12. Wolfram Kriesing (wolfram@kriesing.de) (QueryReadStore)
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. Project description
  15. The DojoX Data project is a container for extensions and extra example stores
  16. that implement the dojo.data APIs. It may also contain utility functions for
  17. working with specific types of data.
  18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Dependencies:
  20. DojoX Data has dependencies on core dojo (dojo.data) and the D.O.H. unit test
  21. framework.
  22. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Documentation:
  24. See the Dojo API tool (http://dojotoolkit.org/api)
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. Installation instructions
  27. Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:
  28. http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/var/src/dojo/dojox/trunk/data/*
  29. Install into the following directory structure:
  30. /dojox/data/
  31. ...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.
  32. /dojox/data/*
  33. Require in the dojox.data stores you wish to use.
  34. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Additional Notes:
  36. dojox.data.CvsStore - comma-separated (spreadsheet output)
  37. datastore implementation
  38. dojox.data.FlickrRestStore - advanced version of: dojox.data.FlickrStore
  39. (Caching + user key support)
  40. dojox.data.FlickrStore - data store driven by Flickr.com public API.
  41. dojox.data.HtmlTableStore - Implementation of an HTML Table reading
  42. datastore
  43. dojox.data.OpmlStore - Store for reading OMPL formatted data
  44. dojox.data.XmlStore - datastore for XML based services or
  45. documents.
  46. dojox.data.QueryReadStore - datastore to provide serverside URL query
  47. matching. Similar to the 0.4.X ComboBox dataUrl parameter.