/* * Ext JS Library 2.0 Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ /* * These classes are private internal classes */ Ext.CenterLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config) { Ext.CenterLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, "center"); this.visible = true; this.minWidth = config.minWidth || 20; this.minHeight = config.minHeight || 20; }; Ext.extend(Ext.CenterLayoutRegion, Ext.LayoutRegion, { hide : function() { // center panel can't be hidden }, show : function() { // center panel can't be hidden }, getMinWidth : function() { return this.minWidth; }, getMinHeight : function() { return this.minHeight; } }); Ext.NorthLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config) { Ext.NorthLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, "north", "n-resize"); if (this.split) { this.split.placement = Ext.SplitBar.TOP; this.split.orientation = Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL; this.split.el.addClass("x-layout-split-v"); } var size = config.initialSize || config.height; if (typeof size != "undefined") { this.el.setHeight(size); } }; Ext.extend(Ext.NorthLayoutRegion, Ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL, getBox : function() { if (this.collapsed) { return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if (this.split) { box.height += this.split.el.getHeight(); } return box; }, updateBox : function(box) { if (this.split && !this.collapsed) { box.height -= this.split.el.getHeight(); this.split.el.setLeft(box.x); this.split.el.setTop(box.y + box.height); this.split.el.setWidth(box.width); } if (this.collapsed) { this.updateBody(box.width, null); } Ext.NorthLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); Ext.SouthLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config) { Ext.SouthLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, "south", "s-resize"); if (this.split) { this.split.placement = Ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM; this.split.orientation = Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL; this.split.el.addClass("x-layout-split-v"); } var size = config.initialSize || config.height; if (typeof size != "undefined") { this.el.setHeight(size); } }; Ext.extend(Ext.SouthLayoutRegion, Ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL, getBox : function() { if (this.collapsed) { return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if (this.split) { var sh = this.split.el.getHeight(); box.height += sh; box.y -= sh; } return box; }, updateBox : function(box) { if (this.split && !this.collapsed) { var sh = this.split.el.getHeight(); box.height -= sh; box.y += sh; this.split.el.setLeft(box.x); this.split.el.setTop(box.y - sh); this.split.el.setWidth(box.width); } if (this.collapsed) { this.updateBody(box.width, null); } Ext.SouthLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); Ext.EastLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config) { Ext.EastLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, "east", "e-resize"); if (this.split) { this.split.placement = Ext.SplitBar.RIGHT; this.split.orientation = Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL; this.split.el.addClass("x-layout-split-h"); } var size = config.initialSize || config.width; if (typeof size != "undefined") { this.el.setWidth(size); } }; Ext.extend(Ext.EastLayoutRegion, Ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL, getBox : function() { if (this.collapsed) { return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if (this.split) { var sw = this.split.el.getWidth(); box.width += sw; box.x -= sw; } return box; }, updateBox : function(box) { if (this.split && !this.collapsed) { var sw = this.split.el.getWidth(); box.width -= sw; this.split.el.setLeft(box.x); this.split.el.setTop(box.y); this.split.el.setHeight(box.height); box.x += sw; } if (this.collapsed) { this.updateBody(null, box.height); } Ext.EastLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } }); Ext.WestLayoutRegion = function(mgr, config) { Ext.WestLayoutRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, mgr, config, "west", "w-resize"); if (this.split) { this.split.placement = Ext.SplitBar.LEFT; this.split.orientation = Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL; this.split.el.addClass("x-layout-split-h"); } var size = config.initialSize || config.width; if (typeof size != "undefined") { this.el.setWidth(size); } }; Ext.extend(Ext.WestLayoutRegion, Ext.SplitLayoutRegion, { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL, getBox : function() { if (this.collapsed) { return this.collapsedEl.getBox(); } var box = this.el.getBox(); if (this.split) { box.width += this.split.el.getWidth(); } return box; }, updateBox : function(box) { if (this.split && !this.collapsed) { var sw = this.split.el.getWidth(); box.width -= sw; this.split.el.setLeft(box.x + box.width); this.split.el.setTop(box.y); this.split.el.setHeight(box.height); } if (this.collapsed) { this.updateBody(null, box.height); } Ext.WestLayoutRegion.superclass.updateBox.call(this, box); } });