123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645 |
- /*
- * Copyright Scand LLC http://www.scbr.com To use this component please contact
- * info@scbr.com to obtain license
- */
- /**
- * @desc: enable/disable drag-and-drop
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @param: mode - enabled/disabled [ can be true/false/temporary_disabled - last
- * value mean that tree can be D-n-D can be switched to true later ]
- * @topic: 0
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.enableDragAndDrop = function(mode) {
- if (mode == "temporary_disabled") {
- this.dADTempOff = false;
- mode = true;
- } else
- this.dADTempOff = true;
- this.dragAndDropOff = convertStringToBoolean(mode);
- };
- /**
- * @desc: set Drag-And-Drop behavior (child - drop as chils, sibling - drop as
- * sibling
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @param: mode - behavior name (child,sibling,complex)
- * @topic: 0
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.setDragBehavior = function(mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- case "child" :
- this.dadmode = 0;
- break;
- case "sibling" :
- this.dadmode = 1;
- break;
- }
- };
- /**
- * @desc: create html element for dragging
- * @type: private
- * @param: htmlObject - html node object
- * @topic: 1
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._createDragNode = function(htmlObject) {
- htmlObject.parentObject = new Object();
- htmlObject.parentObject.treeNod = this;
- htmlObject.parentObject.parentNode = htmlObject.parentNode;
- if (!this.dADTempOff)
- return null;
- var dragSpan = document.createElement('div');
- dragSpan.innerHTML = this.rowToDragElement(htmlObject.parentNode.idd);
- dragSpan.style.position = "absolute";
- dragSpan.className = "dragSpanDiv";
- return dragSpan;
- }
- Array.prototype.moveOrder = function(ind1, ind2, mode) {
- var tmp = this[ind2]; // moved node
- var tmp2 = this[ind1]; // moved node
- // remove from old position
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length - 1; i++)
- if ((this[i] == null) || (this[i] == tmp)) {
- this[i] = this[i + 1];
- this[i + 1] = null;
- }
- this[this.length - 1] = null;
- // insert in new position
- mode = mode || false;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
- if (!mode) {
- if (this[i] == tmp2)
- mode = true;
- } else {
- var tmp2 = this[i];
- this[i] = tmp;
- tmp = tmp2;
- }
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._trsfDr = function(ind, row) {
- if (ind)
- row = this.rowsCol[ind];
- else
- ind = this.rowsCol._dhx_find(row);
- if (row.parent_id != 0) {
- var ind2 = ind;
- if ((this.rowsCol[ind2]) && (this.rowsCol[ind2].expand == ""))
- ind2 += this.hasChildren(row.idd);
- var z = this.loadedKidsHash.get(row.parent_id);
- var kz = z._dhx_find(row) + 1;
- return [ind2 + 1, kz];
- } else
- return [ind + 1, ind + 1];
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._drag = function(sourceHtmlObject, dhtmlObject,
- targetHtmlObject, innerFlag) {
- if (!innerFlag)
- this.dadmodex = this.dadmode;
- if (this._autoOpenTimer)
- window.clearTimeout(this._autoOpenTimer);
- // dirty trick for Opera
- this._deSelectD();
- var r1 = targetHtmlObject.parentNode;
- var rInd1 = this.rowsCol._dhx_find(r1)
- var r2 = sourceHtmlObject.parentObject;
- if (r2 && r2.childNodes) {
- if ((!innerFlag) && (this.dragFunc)
- && (!this.dragFunc(r2.id, r1.idd, r2.treeNod, this)))
- return;
- var gridRowId = (allGetServerTime()).getMilliseconds();
- var text = new Array(this.getColumnCount());
- if (this.isTreeGrid()) {
- if (this.dadmodex) {
- var z = this._trsfDr(rInd1);
- this._dhkPos = z[1];
- var rnew = this.addRow(gridRowId, text, z[0], r1.parent_id);
- this._dhkPos = null;
- this.dadmodex = null;
- } else
- var rnew = this.addRow(gridRowId, text, (rInd1 + 1), r1.idd);
- } else
- var rnew = this.addRow(gridRowId, text, (rInd1 + 1));
- var flToDel = this.treeToGridElement(r2.treeNod, r2.id, gridRowId);
- for (var j = 0; j < r2.childsCount; j++)
- this._drag(r2.childNodes[j].span.parentNode, 0, rnew.childNodes[0],
- 1)
- if (dhtmlObject && flToDel)
- r2.treeNod.deleteItem(r2.id, false);
- if ((!innerFlag) && (this.dropFunc))
- this.dropFunc(r2.id, r1.idd, gridRowId, r2.treeNod, this);
- return;
- }
- var r2 = sourceHtmlObject.parentNode;
- var rInd2 = this.rowsCol._dhx_find(r2)
- var sgrid = r2.grid;
- var tgrid = this;
- var id_list = sgrid.getSelectedId();
- var list = (id_list || "").split(sgrid.delim);
- if (list.length < 2)
- id_list = r2.idd;
- if ((!innerFlag) && (tgrid.dragFunc)
- && (!tgrid.dragFunc(id_list, r1.idd, sgrid, tgrid)))
- return;
- var id_list2 = "";
- if (list.length < 2)
- id_list2 = tgrid._dragBTWgrids(sgrid, r2, rInd2, tgrid, r1, rInd1,
- innerFlag);
- else
- for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var r3 = sgrid.getRowIndex(list[i]);
- if (r3 != -1)
- id_list2 += tgrid._dragBTWgrids(sgrid, sgrid.obj.rows[r3], r3,
- tgrid, r1, rInd1)
- + ",";
- }
- if (!innerFlag) {
- if (sgrid.setSizes)
- sgrid.setSizes();
- if (tgrid.setSizes)
- tgrid.setSizes();
- // alert(id_list+"-||-"+r1.idd+"-||-"+id_list2+"-||-"+sgrid+"-||-"+tgrid);
- if (this.dropFunc)
- tgrid.dropFunc(id_list, r1.idd, id_list2, sgrid, tgrid);
- }
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._dragBTWgrids = function(sgrid, rs, rsind, tgrid,
- rt, rtind, innerFlag) {
- if (sgrid.dpcpy) { // mercy drag
- if (sgrid.cellType._dhx_find("tree") != -1)
- return (sgrid._recreateLevel(sgrid, rs, tgrid, rt, rtind + 1))[1];
- else {
- var newId = rs.idd + "_" + (allGetServerTime()).valueOf();
- if (tgrid.cellType._dhx_find("tree") != -1)
- if (tgrid.dadmodex) {
- var z = tgrid._trsfDr(0, rt);
- tgrid._dhkPos = z[1];
- tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- z[0], rt.parent_id);
- tgrid._dhkPos = null;
- tgrid.dadmodex = null;
- } else
- tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- "", rt.idd);
- else
- tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- rtind + 1);
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, newId, sgrid, tgrid);
- return newId;
- }
- } else {
- if (sgrid == tgrid) {
- if (tgrid.isTreeGrid()) {
- sgrid.collapseKids(rs);
- sgrid.has_kids_dec(sgrid.getRowById(rs.parent_id));
- if (!rt.idd) {
- tgrid._changeParent(rs, rt);
- tgrid.rowsCol._dhx_removeAt(rsind);
- tgrid.rowsCol._dhx_insertAt(0, rs);
- rs.parentNode.insertBefore(rs, rs.parentNode.childNodes[0])
- tgrid._fixLevel(rs);
- this.setSizes();
- return rs.idd;
- }
- if (tgrid.dadmodex) {
- if (rt.expand == "")
- tgrid.collapseKids(rt);
- var z = tgrid._trsfDr(0, rt);
- tgrid._dhkPos = z[1];
- tgrid._changeParent(rs, tgrid.rowsAr[rt.parent_id]);
- if (this.rowsCol[z[0]])
- rt.parentNode.insertBefore(rs, this.rowsCol[z[0]]);
- else
- rs.parentNode.appendChild(rs);
- this.rowsCol._dhx_removeAt(this.rowsCol._dhx_find(rs));
- this.rowsCol._dhx_insertAt(this.rowsCol._dhx_find(rt) + 1,
- rs);
- tgrid._fixLevel(rs);
- tgrid._dhkPos = null;
- tgrid.dadmodex = null;
- return rs.idd;
- } else
- tgrid.expandKids(rt);
- tgrid._changeParent(rs, rt);
- tgrid._fixLevel(rs);
- }
- if (rt.tagName != "TR") {
- rs.parentNode.insertBefore(rs, rs.parentNode.childNodes[0]);
- tgrid.rowsCol.moveOrder(0, rsind, true);
- this.setSizes();
- return rs.idd;
- } else if (rt.nextSibling)
- rt.parentNode.insertBefore(rs, rt.nextSibling);
- else
- _isKHTML ? this.obj.appendChild(rs) : tgrid.obj.firstChild
- .appendChild(rs);
- if (rtind == -1)
- rtind = 0;
- tgrid.rowsCol.moveOrder(rtind, rsind);
- } else {
- // moving between grids
- tgrid._moveBTW(sgrid, rs, tgrid, rt);
- }
- return rs.idd;
- }
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._recreateLevel = function(sgrid, rs, tgrid, rt,
- rtind) {
- var newId = rs.idd + "_" + (allGetServerTime()).valueOf();
- if (rt.tagName != "TR") {
- var r = tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid), 0,
- 0, sgrid._getRowImage(rs));
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, newId, sgrid, tgrid);
- } else if (tgrid.isTreeGrid()) {
- if (tgrid.dadmodex) {
- var z = tgrid._trsfDr(0, rt);
- tgrid._dhkPos = z[1];
- var r = tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- z[0], rt.parent_id, sgrid._getRowImage(rs));
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, newId, sgrid, tgrid);
- tgrid._dhkPos = null;
- tgrid.dadmodex = null;
- } else {
- var r = tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- "", rt.idd, sgrid._getRowImage(rs));
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, newId, sgrid, tgrid);
- }
- } else {
- var r = tgrid.addRow(newId, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- rtind);
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, newId, sgrid, tgrid);
- }
- rtind++;
- var z = sgrid.loadedKidsHash.get(rs.idd);
- if (z)
- for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++)
- rtind = (sgrid._recreateLevel(sgrid, z[i], tgrid, r, rtind))[0];
- return [rtind, newId];
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._moveBTW = function(sgrid, rs, tgrid, rt, fl) {
- if (tgrid.isTreeGrid())
- if (tgrid.dadmodex) {
- var z = tgrid._trsfDr(0, rt);
- tgrid._dhkPos = z[1];
- var z = tgrid.addRow(rs.idd,
- tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid), z[0], rt.parent_id);
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid);
- tgrid._dhkPos = null;
- tgrid.dadmodex = null;
- } else {
- var z = tgrid.addRow(rs.idd,
- tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid), 0, rt.idd);
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid);
- }
- else {
- var z = tgrid.addRow(rs.idd, tgrid.gridToGrid(rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid),
- this.getRowIndex(rt.idd) * 1 + 1);
- tgrid._copyUserData(rs.idd, rs.idd, sgrid, tgrid);
- }
- if (sgrid.isTreeGrid()) {
- var a = sgrid.loadedKidsHash.get(rs.idd);
- if (a)
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- this._moveBTW(sgrid, a[i], tgrid, z, 1)
- }
- }
- if (!fl)
- sgrid.deleteRow(rs.idd);
- }
- /**
- * @desc: redefine this method in your code to define how grid row values should
- * be used in another grid
- * @param: rowId - id of draged row
- * @param: sgrid - source grid object
- * @param: tgrid - target grid object
- * @returns: array of values
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 7
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.gridToGrid = function(rowId, sgrid, tgrid) {
- var z = new Array();
- for (var i = 0; i < sgrid.hdr.rows[0].cells.length; i++)
- z[i] = sgrid.cells(rowId, i).getValue();
- return z;
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.checkParentLine = function(node, id) {
- if ((!id) || (!node))
- return false;
- if (node.idd == id)
- return true;
- else
- return this.checkParentLine(this.getRowById(node.parent_id), id);
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._dragIn = function(htmlObject, shtmlObject, x, y) {
- if (!this.dADTempOff)
- return 0;
- var tree = this.isTreeGrid();
- if (htmlObject.parentNode == shtmlObject.parentNode)
- return 0;
- if ((!tree)
- && ((htmlObject.parentNode.nextSibling) && (htmlObject.parentNode.nextSibling == shtmlObject.parentNode)))
- return 0;
- if ((tree)
- && ((this.checkParentLine(htmlObject.parentNode,
- shtmlObject.parentNode.idd))))
- return 0;
- if ((this.dragInFunc)
- && (!this.dragInFunc(shtmlObject.parentNode.idd,
- htmlObject.parentNode.idd, shtmlObject.parentNode.grid,
- htmlObject.parentNode.grid)))
- return 0;
- this._selectD(htmlObject);
- if ((tree) && (htmlObject.parentNode.expand != "")) {
- this._autoOpenTimer = window.setTimeout(new callerFunction(
- this._autoOpenItem, this), 1000);
- this._autoOpenId = htmlObject.parentNode.idd;
- } else if (this._autoOpenTimer)
- window.clearTimeout(this._autoOpenTimer);
- return htmlObject;
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._autoOpenItem = function(e, gridObject) {
- gridObject.openItem(gridObject._autoOpenId);
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._dragOut = function(htmlObject) {
- this._deSelectD(htmlObject);
- if (this._autoOpenTimer)
- window.clearTimeout(this._autoOpenTimer);
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._selectD = function(htmlObject) {
- this._llSelD = htmlObject;
- if (htmlObject.parentNode.tagName == "TR")
- for (var i = 0; i < htmlObject.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var z = htmlObject.parentNode.childNodes[i];
- z._bgCol = z.style.backgroundColor;
- z.style.backgroundColor = "#FFCCCC";
- }
- var a1 = getAbsoluteTop(htmlObject);
- var a2 = getAbsoluteTop(this.objBox);
- // scroll down
- if ((a1 - a2 - parseInt(this.objBox.scrollTop)) > (parseInt(this.objBox.offsetHeight) - 50))
- this.objBox.scrollTop = parseInt(this.objBox.scrollTop) + 20;
- // scroll top
- if ((a1 - a2) < (parseInt(this.objBox.scrollTop) + 30))
- this.objBox.scrollTop = parseInt(this.objBox.scrollTop) - 20;
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._deSelectD = function() {
- if ((this._llSelD) && (this._llSelD.parentNode.tagName == "TR"))
- for (var i = 0; i < this._llSelD.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++)
- this._llSelD.parentNode.childNodes[i].style.backgroundColor = this._llSelD._bgCol;
- this._llSelD = null;
- }
- /**
- * @desc: redefine this method in your code to define how grid row values should
- * be displaied while draging
- * @param: gridRowId - id of grid row
- * @returns: if true, then grid row will be moved to tree, else - copied
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 7
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.rowToDragElement = function(gridRowId) {
- var out = this.cells(gridRowId, 0).getValue();
- return out;
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._nonTrivialNode = function(tree, targetObject,
- beforeNode, itemObject) {
- if (tree.dragFunc)
- if (!tree.dragFunc(itemObject.parentNode.idd, targetObject.id,
- (beforeNode ? beforeNode.id : null), this, tree))
- return false;
- var treeNodeId = (allGetServerTime()).getMilliseconds();
- tree._attachChildNode(targetObject, treeNodeId, "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- beforeNode);
- var gridRowId = itemObject.parentNode.idd;
- if (this.gridToTreeElement(tree, treeNodeId, gridRowId))
- this.deleteRow(gridRowId);
- if (tree.dropFunc)
- tree.dropFunc(treeNodeId, targetObject.id, (beforeNode
- ? beforeNode.id
- : null), this, tree);
- }
- /**
- * @desc: redefine this method in your code to define how grid row values should
- * be used in tree (using input parameters you can change id of new tree
- * node, set label, set userdata blocks etc.).
- * @param: treeObj - object of tree
- * @param: treeNodeId - id of node created in tree
- * @param: gridRowId - id of grid row
- * @returns: if true, then grid row will be moved to tree, else - copied
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 7
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.gridToTreeElement = function(treeObj, treeNodeId,
- gridRowId) {
- treeObj.setItemText(treeNodeId, this.cells(gridRowId, 0).getValue());
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * @desc: redefine this method in your code to define how tree node values
- * should be used in grid (using input parameters you can change id of
- * new row, values for cells, userdata blocks etc.).
- * @param: treeObj - object of tree
- * @param: treeNodeId - id of node created in tree
- * @param: gridRowId - id of grid row
- * @returns: if true, then tree node should be moved to grid, else - copied
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 7
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.treeToGridElement = function(treeObj, treeNodeId,
- gridRowId) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.getColumnCount(); i++) {
- this.cells(gridRowId, i).setValue(treeObj.getUserData(treeNodeId, this
- .getColumnId(i)));
- }
- return true;
- }
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._copyUserData = function(sId, tId, sG, tG) {
- var z1 = sG.UserData[sId];
- var z2 = new Hashtable();
- if (z1) {
- z2.keys = z2.keys.concat(z1.keys);
- z2.values = z2.values.concat(z1.values);
- }
- tG.UserData[tId] = z2;
- }
- /**
- * @desc: move row
- * @type: public
- * @param: srowId - source row Id
- * @param: trowId - target row Id
- * @param: mode - moving mode (up,down,row_sibling)
- * @param: targetId - target row in row_sibling mode
- * @param: targetGrid - used for moving between grids (optional)
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 2
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.moveRow = function(rowId, mode, targetId, targetGrid) {
- switch (mode) {
- case "row_sibling" :
- var sNode = this.getRowById(rowId);
- if (!sNode)
- return (0);
- var a = {
- parentNode : sNode
- };
- var tNode = (targetGrid || this).getRowById(targetId);
- if (!tNode)
- return (0);
- var b = {
- parentNode : tNode
- };
- (targetGrid || this)._drag(a, this, b);
- break;
- case "up" :
- this.moveRowUp(rowId);
- break;
- case "down" :
- this.moveRowDown(rowId);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @desc: set function called when drag-and-drop event occured
- * @param: aFunc - event handling function
- * @type: public
- * @topic: 10
- * @event: onDrag
- * @eventdesc: Event occured after item was dragged and droped on another item,
- * but before item moving processed. Event also raised while
- * programmatic moving nodes.
- * @eventparam: ID of source item
- * @eventparam: ID of target item
- * @eventparam: source grid object
- * @eventparam: target grid object
- * @eventreturn: true - confirm drag-and-drop; false - deny drag-and-drop;
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.setDragHandler = function(func) {
- if (typeof(func) == "function")
- this.dragFunc = func;
- else
- this.dragFunc = eval(func);
- };
- /**
- * @desc: set function called after drag-and-drap event occured
- * @param: func - event handling function
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 10
- * @event: onDrop
- * @eventdesc: Event raised after drag-and-drop processed.
- * @eventparam: ID of source item
- * @eventparam: ID of target item
- * @eventparam: ID of droped item (has sense for mercy drag-n-drop)
- * @eventparam: source grid object
- * @eventparam: target grid object
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.setDropHandler = function(func) {
- if (typeof(func) == "function")
- this.dropFunc = func;
- else
- this.dropFunc = eval(func);
- };
- /**
- * @desc: set function called when drag moved over potencial landing
- * @param: func - event handling function
- * @type: public
- * @edition: Professional
- * @topic: 10
- * @event: onDragIn
- * @eventdesc: Event raised if drag moved over potencial landing
- * @eventparam: ID of source item
- * @eventparam: ID of target item
- * @eventparam: source grid object
- * @eventparam: target grid object
- * @eventreturn: true - allow landing; false - deny landing;
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.setDragInHandler = function(func) {
- if (typeof(func) == "function")
- this.dragInFunc = func;
- else
- this.dragInFunc = eval(func);
- };
- /**
- * @desc: enable drag without removing (copy instead of move)
- * @beforeInit: 1
- * @param: mode - 1 - on, 0 - off;
- * @type: public
- * @edition:Professional
- * @topic: 0
- */
- dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.enableMercyDrag = function(mode) {
- this.dpcpy = convertStringToBoolean(mode);
- };