qtips.js 790 B

  1. /*
  2. * Ext JS Library 2.0 Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. licensing@extjs.com
  3. *
  4. * http://extjs.com/license
  5. */
  6. Ext.onReady(function() {
  7. new Ext.ToolTip({
  8. target : 'tip1',
  9. html : 'A very simple tooltip'
  10. });
  11. new Ext.ToolTip({
  12. target : 'ajax-tip',
  13. width : 200,
  14. autoLoad : {
  15. url : 'ajax-tip.html'
  16. },
  17. dismissDelay : 15000
  18. // auto hide after 15 seconds
  19. });
  20. new Ext.ToolTip({
  21. target : 'tip2',
  22. html : 'Click the X to close me',
  23. title : 'My Tip Title',
  24. autoHide : false,
  25. closable : true,
  26. draggable : true
  27. });
  28. new Ext.ToolTip({
  29. target : 'track-tip',
  30. title : 'Mouse Track',
  31. width : 200,
  32. html : 'This tip will follow the mouse while it is over the element',
  33. trackMouse : true
  34. });
  35. Ext.QuickTips.init();
  36. });