CHANGES.txt 3.0 KB

  1. //==========================================
  2. // Ext JS Release Notes
  3. //==========================================
  4. // Release Date: December 3, 2007
  5. // Current Version: 2.0 (rev 1450)
  6. // Previous Version: 2.0 RC-1 (rev 1372)
  7. //==========================================
  8. ===== Added =====
  9. none
  10. ===== Removed =====
  11. none
  12. ===== Modified =====
  13. src/core/
  14. Element
  15. - Added null check in getAlignToXY
  16. - Fixed bug parsing certain color codes in getColor
  17. - Doc updates
  18. EventManager
  19. - Fixed getTarget to honor the returnEl argument when a selector is not passed in
  20. src/dd/
  21. DDCore
  22. - Fix in constrainTo to include tickSize in constraint calcs
  23. src/util/
  24. Date - Fix in formatCodeToRegex to use Ext.escapeRe in the default case
  25. src/widgets/
  26. Button
  27. - Fixed DOM clean up issue on destroy
  28. - Doc updates
  29. Component
  30. - Moved state init logic after plugins are loaded in the constructor
  31. - Doc updates
  32. DataView
  33. - Internal fix to updateIndexes
  34. Panel
  35. - Fixed missing semi-colon in button tool spacer text ( )
  36. - Added logic in onDestroy to clean up any buttons
  37. - Doc updates
  38. TabPanel
  39. - Internal fixes for activating only on tab change
  40. - Doc updates
  41. Window
  42. - Fixed DOM clean up issue on destroy
  43. - Doc updates
  44. src/widgets/form/
  45. BasicForm
  46. - Fixed DOM clean up issue on destroy
  47. - Doc updates
  48. Checkbox
  49. - Added onDestroy to clean up wrap element
  50. - Doc updates
  51. CycleButton
  52. - Fix to skip disabled options on cycle click
  53. FieldSet
  54. - Fix to apply an id to the fieldset if specified
  55. - Fix to apply to the fieldset element on render
  56. - Doc updates
  57. FormPanel
  58. - Added beforeDestroy to clean up inner BasicForm
  59. - Doc updates
  60. src/widgets/layout/
  61. AnchorLayout - Fixed width/height typo
  62. ContainerLayout
  63. - Fixed issue when passing null into setContainer
  64. - Fixed null error in isValidParent from not checking for positionEl
  65. TableLayout - Fixed issues with complex spanning
  66. src/widgets/tips/
  67. QuickTip - Fixed bug with error tip style overriding normal style
  68. src/widgets/tree/
  69. TreePanel
  70. - Renamed events nodemove and beforemove to movenode and beforemovenode
  71. - Doc updates
  72. ===== Doc updates only =====
  73. src/core/
  74. Fx
  75. Updater
  76. src/data/
  77. ArrayReader
  78. Connection
  79. DataReader
  80. HttpProxy
  81. JsonReader
  82. JsonStore
  83. Record
  84. ScriptTagProxy
  85. Store
  86. XmlReader
  87. src/util/
  88. KeyMap
  89. MixedCollection
  90. Observable
  91. src/widgets/
  92. ComponentMgr
  93. Container
  94. GridPanel
  95. PanelDD (internal docs added)
  96. Toolbar
  97. Viewport
  98. WindowManager
  99. src/widgets/form/
  100. Action
  101. TriggerField
  102. src/widgets/grid/
  103. CellSelectionModel
  104. ColumnModel
  105. EditorGrid
  106. GridPanel
  107. GroupingView
  108. src/widgets/layout/
  109. FormLayout
  110. src/widgets/tips/
  111. QuickTips