123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268 |
- if (!dojo._hasResource["dojox.storage.manager"]) { // _hasResource checks added
- // by build. Do not use
- // _hasResource directly in
- // your code.
- dojo._hasResource["dojox.storage.manager"] = true;
- dojo.provide("dojox.storage.manager");
- // dojo.require("dojo.AdapterRegistry");
- // FIXME: refactor this to use an AdapterRegistry
- dojox.storage.manager = new function() {
- // summary: A singleton class in charge of the dojox.storage system
- // description:
- // Initializes the storage systems and figures out the best available
- // storage options on this platform.
- // currentProvider: Object
- // The storage provider that was automagically chosen to do storage
- // on this platform, such as dojox.storage.FlashStorageProvider.
- this.currentProvider = null;
- // available: Boolean
- // Whether storage of some kind is available.
- this.available = false;
- this._initialized = false;
- this._providers = [];
- this._onLoadListeners = [];
- this.initialize = function() {
- // summary:
- // Initializes the storage system and autodetects the best storage
- // provider we can provide on this platform
- this.autodetect();
- };
- this.register = function(/* string */name, /* Object */instance) {
- // summary:
- // Registers the existence of a new storage provider; used by
- // subclasses to inform the manager of their existence. The
- // storage manager will select storage providers based on
- // their ordering, so the order in which you call this method
- // matters.
- // name:
- // The full class name of this provider, such as
- // "dojox.storage.FlashStorageProvider".
- // instance:
- // An instance of this provider, which we will use to call
- // isAvailable() on.
- this._providers[this._providers.length] = instance; // FIXME: push?
- this._providers[name] = instance; // FIXME: this._providers is an
- // array, not a hash
- };
- this.setProvider = function(storageClass) {
- // summary:
- // Instructs the storageManager to use the given storage class for
- // all storage requests.
- // description:
- // Example-
- // dojox.storage.setProvider(
- // dojox.storage.IEStorageProvider)
- };
- this.autodetect = function() {
- // summary:
- // Autodetects the best possible persistent storage provider
- // available on this platform.
- // console.debug("dojox.storage.manager.autodetect");
- if (this._initialized) { // already finished
- // console.debug("dojox.storage.manager already initialized;
- // returning");
- return;
- }
- // a flag to force the storage manager to use a particular
- // storage provider type, such as
- // djConfig = {forceStorageProvider:
- // "dojox.storage.WhatWGStorageProvider"};
- var forceProvider = djConfig["forceStorageProvider"] || false;
- // go through each provider, seeing if it can be used
- var providerToUse;
- // FIXME: use dojo.some
- for (var i = 0; i < this._providers.length; i++) {
- providerToUse = this._providers[i];
- if (forceProvider == providerToUse.declaredClass) {
- // still call isAvailable for this provider, since this
- // helps some
- // providers internally figure out if they are available
- // FIXME: This should be refactored since it is
- // non-intuitive
- // that isAvailable() would initialize some state
- providerToUse.isAvailable();
- break;
- } else if (providerToUse.isAvailable()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!providerToUse) { // no provider available
- this._initialized = true;
- this.available = false;
- this.currentProvider = null;
- console.warn("No storage provider found for this platform");
- this.loaded();
- return;
- }
- // create this provider and mix in it's properties
- // so that developers can do dojox.storage.put rather
- // than dojox.storage.currentProvider.put, for example
- this.currentProvider = providerToUse;
- dojo.mixin(dojox.storage, this.currentProvider);
- // have the provider initialize itself
- dojox.storage.initialize();
- this._initialized = true;
- this.available = true;
- };
- this.isAvailable = function() { /* Boolean */
- // summary: Returns whether any storage options are available.
- return this.available;
- };
- this.addOnLoad = function(func) { /* void */
- // summary:
- // Adds an onload listener to know when Dojo Offline can be used.
- // description:
- // Adds a listener to know when Dojo Offline can be used. This
- // ensures that the Dojo Offline framework is loaded and that the
- // local dojox.storage system is ready to be used. This method is
- // useful if you don't want to have a dependency on Dojo Events
- // when using dojox.storage.
- // func: Function
- // A function to call when Dojo Offline is ready to go
- this._onLoadListeners.push(func);
- if (this.isInitialized()) {
- this._fireLoaded();
- }
- };
- this.removeOnLoad = function(func) { /* void */
- // summary: Removes the given onLoad listener
- for (var i = 0; i < this._onLoadListeners.length; i++) {
- if (func == this._onLoadListeners[i]) {
- this._onLoadListeners = this._onLoadListeners.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- this.isInitialized = function() { /* Boolean */
- // summary:
- // Returns whether the storage system is initialized and ready to
- // be used.
- // FIXME: This should REALLY not be in here, but it fixes a tricky
- // Flash timing bug
- if (this.currentProvider != null
- && this.currentProvider.declaredClass == "dojox.storage.FlashStorageProvider"
- && dojox.flash.ready == false) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return this._initialized;
- }
- };
- this.supportsProvider = function(/* string */storageClass) { /* Boolean */
- // summary: Determines if this platform supports the given storage
- // provider.
- // description:
- // Example-
- // dojox.storage.manager.supportsProvider(
- // "dojox.storage.InternetExplorerStorageProvider");
- // construct this class dynamically
- try {
- // dynamically call the given providers class level
- // isAvailable()
- // method
- var provider = eval("new " + storageClass + "()");
- var results = provider.isAvailable();
- if (!results) {
- return false;
- }
- return results;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- this.getProvider = function() { /* Object */
- // summary: Gets the current provider
- return this.currentProvider;
- };
- this.loaded = function() {
- // summary:
- // The storage provider should call this method when it is loaded
- // and ready to be used. Clients who will use the provider will
- // connect to this method to know when they can use the storage
- // system. You can either use dojo.connect to connect to this
- // function, or can use dojox.storage.manager.addOnLoad() to add
- // a listener that does not depend on the dojo.event package.
- // description:
- // Example 1-
- // if(dojox.storage.manager.isInitialized() == false){
- // dojo.connect(dojox.storage.manager, "loaded", TestStorage,
- // "initialize");
- // }else{
- // dojo.connect(dojo, "loaded", TestStorage, "initialize");
- // }
- // Example 2-
- // dojox.storage.manager.addOnLoad(someFunction);
- // FIXME: we should just provide a Deferred for this. That way you
- // don't care when this happens or has happened. Deferreds are in
- // Base
- this._fireLoaded();
- };
- this._fireLoaded = function() {
- // console.debug("dojox.storage.manager._fireLoaded");
- dojo.forEach(this._onLoadListeners, function(i) {
- try {
- i();
- } catch (e) {
- console.debug(e);
- }
- });
- };
- this.getResourceList = function() {
- // summary:
- // Returns a list of whatever resources are necessary for storage
- // providers to work.
- // description:
- // This will return all files needed by all storage providers for
- // this particular environment type. For example, if we are in the
- // browser environment, then this will return the hidden SWF files
- // needed by the FlashStorageProvider, even if we don't need them
- // for the particular browser we are working within. This is meant
- // to faciliate Dojo Offline, which must retrieve all resources we
- // need offline into the offline cache -- we retrieve everything
- // needed, in case another browser that requires different storage
- // mechanisms hits the local offline cache. For example, if we
- // were to sync against Dojo Offline on Firefox 2, then we would
- // not grab the FlashStorageProvider resources needed for Safari.
- var results = [];
- dojo.forEach(dojox.storage.manager._providers, function(
- currentProvider) {
- results = results.concat(currentProvider
- .getResourceList());
- });
- return results;
- }
- };
- }