123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792 |
- if (!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.silverlight"]) { // _hasResource checks added
- // by build. Do not use
- // _hasResource directly in
- // your code.
- dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.silverlight"] = true;
- dojo.provide("dojox.gfx.silverlight");
- dojo.require("dojox.gfx._base");
- dojo.require("dojox.gfx.shape");
- dojo.require("dojox.gfx.path");
- dojo.experimental("dojox.gfx.silverlight");
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.dasharray = {
- solid : "none",
- shortdash : [4, 1],
- shortdot : [1, 1],
- shortdashdot : [4, 1, 1, 1],
- shortdashdotdot : [4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
- dot : [1, 3],
- dash : [4, 3],
- longdash : [8, 3],
- dashdot : [4, 3, 1, 3],
- longdashdot : [8, 3, 1, 3],
- longdashdotdot : [8, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3]
- };
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.fontweight = {
- normal : 400,
- bold : 700
- };
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.caps = {
- butt : "Flat",
- round : "Round",
- square : "Square"
- };
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.joins = {
- bevel : "Bevel",
- round : "Round"
- };
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.fonts = {
- serif : "Times New Roman",
- times : "Times New Roman",
- "sans-serif" : "Arial",
- helvetica : "Arial",
- monotone : "Courier New",
- courier : "Courier New"
- };
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.hexColor = function(/* String|Array|dojo.Color */color) {
- // summary: converts a color object to a Silverlight hex color string
- // (#aarrggbb)
- var c = dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(color), t = c.toHex(), a = Math
- .round(c.a * 255);
- a = (a < 0 ? 0 : a > 255 ? 255 : a).toString(16);
- return "#" + (a.length < 2 ? "0" + a : a) + t.slice(1); // String
- };
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Shape, {
- // summary: Silverlight-specific implementation of dojox.gfx.Shape
- // methods
- setFill : function(fill) {
- // summary: sets a fill object (Silverlight)
- // fill: Object: a fill object
- // (see dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient,
- // dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient,
- // dojox.gfx.defaultPattern,
- // or dojo.Color)
- var p = this.rawNode.getHost().content, r = this.rawNode, f;
- if (!fill) {
- // don't fill
- this.fillStyle = null;
- this._setFillAttr(null);
- return this; // self
- }
- if (typeof(fill) == "object" && "type" in fill) {
- // gradient
- switch (fill.type) {
- case "linear" :
- this.fillStyle = f = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(
- dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
- var lgb = p.createFromXaml("<LinearGradientBrush/>");
- lgb.mappingMode = "Absolute";
- lgb.startPoint = f.x1 + "," + f.y1;
- lgb.endPoint = f.x2 + "," + f.y2;
- dojo.forEach(f.colors, function(c) {
- var t = p.createFromXaml("<GradientStop/>");
- t.offset = c.offset;
- t.color = dojox.gfx.silverlight
- .hexColor(c.color);
- lgb.gradientStops.add(t);
- });
- this._setFillAttr(lgb);
- break;
- case "radial" :
- this.fillStyle = f = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(
- dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
- var rgb = p.createFromXaml("<RadialGradientBrush/>"), w = r.width, h = r.height, l = this.rawNode["Canvas.Left"], t = this.rawNode["Canvas.Top"];
- rgb.center = (f.cx - l) / w + "," + (f.cy - t) / h;
- rgb.radiusX = f.r / w;
- rgb.radiusY = f.r / h;
- dojo.forEach(f.colors, function(c) {
- var t = p.createFromXaml("<GradientStop/>");
- t.offset = c.offset;
- t.color = dojox.gfx.silverlight
- .hexColor(c.color);
- rgb.gradientStops.add(t);
- });
- this._setFillAttr(rgb);
- break;
- case "pattern" :
- // don't fill: Silverlight doesn't define TileBrush for
- // some reason
- this.fillStyle = null;
- this._setFillAttr(null);
- break;
- }
- return this; // self
- }
- // color object
- this.fillStyle = f = dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(fill);
- var scb = p.createFromXaml("<SolidColorBrush/>");
- scb.color = f.toHex();
- scb.opacity = f.a;
- this._setFillAttr(scb);
- return this; // self
- },
- _setFillAttr : function(f) {
- this.rawNode.fill = f;
- },
- setStroke : function(stroke) {
- // summary: sets a stroke object (Silverlight)
- // stroke: Object: a stroke object
- // (see dojox.gfx.defaultStroke)
- var p = this.rawNode.getHost().content, r = this.rawNode;
- if (!stroke) {
- // don't stroke
- this.strokeStyle = null;
- r.stroke = null;
- return this;
- }
- // normalize the stroke
- if (typeof stroke == "string") {
- stroke = {
- color : stroke
- };
- }
- var s = this.strokeStyle = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(
- dojox.gfx.defaultStroke, stroke);
- s.color = dojox.gfx.normalizeColor(s.color);
- // generate attributes
- if (s) {
- var scb = p.createFromXaml("<SolidColorBrush/>");
- scb.color = s.color.toHex();
- scb.opacity = s.color.a;
- r.stroke = scb;
- r.strokeThickness = s.width;
- r.strokeStartLineCap = r.strokeEndLineCap = r.strokeDashCap = dojox.gfx.silverlight.caps[s.cap];
- if (typeof s.join == "number") {
- r.strokeLineJoin = "Miter";
- r.strokeMiterLimit = s.join;
- } else {
- r.strokeLineJoin = dojox.gfx.silverlight.joins[s.join];
- }
- var da = s.style.toLowerCase();
- if (da in dojox.gfx.silverlight.dasharray) {
- da = dojox.gfx.silverlight.dasharray[da];
- }
- if (da instanceof Array) {
- da = dojo.clone(da);
- /*
- * for(var i = 0; i < da.length; ++i){ da[i] *= s.width; }
- */
- if (s.cap != "butt") {
- for (var i = 0; i < da.length; i += 2) {
- // da[i] -= s.width;
- --da[i]
- if (da[i] < 1) {
- da[i] = 1;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 1; i < da.length; i += 2) {
- // da[i] += s.width;
- ++da[i];
- }
- }
- r.strokeDashArray = da.join(",");
- } else {
- r.strokeDashArray = null;
- }
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- _getParentSurface : function() {
- var surface = this.parent;
- for (; surface && !(surface instanceof dojox.gfx.Surface); surface = surface.parent);
- return surface;
- },
- _applyTransform : function() {
- var tm = this.matrix, r = this.rawNode;
- if (tm) {
- var p = this.rawNode.getHost().content, m = p
- .createFromXaml("<MatrixTransform/>"), mm = p
- .createFromXaml("<Matrix/>");
- mm.m11 = tm.xx;
- mm.m21 = tm.xy;
- mm.m12 = tm.yx;
- mm.m22 = tm.yy;
- mm.offsetX = tm.dx;
- mm.offsetY = tm.dy;
- m.matrix = mm;
- r.renderTransform = m;
- } else {
- r.renderTransform = null;
- }
- return this;
- },
- setRawNode : function(rawNode) {
- // summary:
- // assigns and clears the underlying node that will represent this
- // shape. Once set, transforms, gradients, etc, can be applied.
- // (no fill & stroke by default)
- rawNode.fill = null;
- rawNode.stroke = null;
- this.rawNode = rawNode;
- },
- // move family
- _moveToFront : function() {
- // summary: moves a shape to front of its parent's list of shapes
- // (Silverlight)
- var c = this.parent.rawNode.children, r = this.rawNode;
- c.remove(r);
- c.add(r);
- return this; // self
- },
- _moveToBack : function() {
- // summary: moves a shape to back of its parent's list of shapes
- // (Silverlight)
- var c = this.parent.rawNode.children, r = this.rawNode;
- c.remove(r);
- c.insert(0, r);
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Group", dojox.gfx.Shape, {
- // summary: a group shape (Silverlight), which can be used
- // to logically group shapes (e.g, to propagate matricies)
- constructor : function() {
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.Container._init.call(this);
- },
- setRawNode : function(rawNode) {
- // summary: sets a raw Silverlight node to be used by this
- // shape
- // rawNode: Node: an Silverlight node
- this.rawNode = rawNode;
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Group.nodeType = "Canvas";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Rect", dojox.gfx.shape.Rect, {
- // summary: a rectangle shape (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: sets a rectangle shape object (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: a rectangle shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, n = this.shape;
- r["Canvas.Left"] = n.x;
- r["Canvas.Top"] = n.y;
- r.width = n.width;
- r.height = n.height;
- r.radiusX = r.radiusY = n.r;
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Rect.nodeType = "Rectangle";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Ellipse", dojox.gfx.shape.Ellipse, {
- // summary: an ellipse shape (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: sets an ellipse shape object (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: an ellipse shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, n = this.shape;
- r["Canvas.Left"] = n.cx - n.rx;
- r["Canvas.Top"] = n.cy - n.ry;
- r.width = 2 * n.rx;
- r.height = 2 * n.ry;
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Ellipse.nodeType = "Ellipse";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Circle", dojox.gfx.shape.Circle, {
- // summary: a circle shape (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: sets a circle shape object (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: a circle shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, n = this.shape;
- r["Canvas.Left"] = n.cx - n.r;
- r["Canvas.Top"] = n.cy - n.r;
- r.width = r.height = 2 * n.r;
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Circle.nodeType = "Ellipse";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Line", dojox.gfx.shape.Line, {
- // summary: a line shape (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: sets a line shape object (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: a line shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, n = this.shape;
- r.x1 = n.x1;
- r.y1 = n.y1;
- r.x2 = n.x2;
- r.y2 = n.y2;
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Line.nodeType = "Line";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Polyline", dojox.gfx.shape.Polyline, {
- // summary: a polyline/polygon shape (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(points, closed) {
- // summary: sets a polyline/polygon shape object
- // (Silverlight)
- // points: Object: a polyline/polygon shape object
- if (points && points instanceof Array) {
- // branch
- // points: Array: an array of points
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, {
- points : points
- });
- if (closed && this.shape.points.length) {
- this.shape.points.push(this.shape.points[0]);
- }
- } else {
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape,
- points);
- }
- this.box = null;
- var p = this.shape.points, rp = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) {
- if (typeof p[i] == "number") {
- rp.push(p[i], p[++i]);
- } else {
- rp.push(p[i].x, p[i].y);
- }
- }
- this.rawNode.points = rp.join(",");
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Polyline.nodeType = "Polyline";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Image", dojox.gfx.shape.Image, {
- // summary: an image (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: sets an image shape object (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: an image shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, n = this.shape;
- r["Canvas.Left"] = n.x;
- r["Canvas.Top"] = n.y;
- r.width = n.width;
- r.height = n.height;
- r.source = n.src;
- return this; // self
- },
- setRawNode : function(rawNode) {
- // summary:
- // assigns and clears the underlying node that will
- // represent this
- // shape. Once set, transforms, gradients, etc, can be
- // applied.
- // (no fill & stroke by default)
- this.rawNode = rawNode;
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Image.nodeType = "Image";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Text", dojox.gfx.shape.Text, {
- // summary: an anchored text (Silverlight)
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: sets a text shape object (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: a text shape object
- this.shape = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(this.shape, newShape);
- this.bbox = null;
- var r = this.rawNode, s = this.shape;
- r.text = s.text;
- r.textDecorations = s.decoration == "underline"
- ? "Underline"
- : "None";
- r["Canvas.Left"] = -10000;
- r["Canvas.Top"] = -10000;
- window.setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_delayAlignment"), 0);
- return this; // self
- },
- _delayAlignment : function() {
- // handle alignment
- var r = this.rawNode, s = this.shape, w = r.actualWidth, h = r.actualHeight, x = s.x, y = s.y
- - h * 0.75;
- switch (s.align) {
- case "middle" :
- x -= w / 2;
- break;
- case "end" :
- x -= w;
- break;
- }
- var a = this.matrix ? dojox.gfx.matrix.multiplyPoint(this.matrix,
- x, y) : {
- x : x,
- y : y
- };
- r["Canvas.Left"] = a.x;
- r["Canvas.Top"] = a.y;
- },
- setStroke : function() {
- // summary: ignore setting a stroke style
- return this; // self
- },
- _setFillAttr : function(f) {
- this.rawNode.foreground = f;
- },
- setRawNode : function(rawNode) {
- // summary:
- // assigns and clears the underlying node that will represent this
- // shape. Once set, transforms, gradients, etc, can be applied.
- // (no fill & stroke by default)
- this.rawNode = rawNode;
- },
- _applyTransform : function() {
- var tm = this.matrix, r = this.rawNode;
- if (tm) {
- // the next line is pure magic :-(
- tm = dojox.gfx.matrix.normalize([1 / 100, tm, 100]);
- var p = this.rawNode.getHost().content, m = p
- .createFromXaml("<MatrixTransform/>"), mm = p
- .createFromXaml("<Matrix/>");
- mm.m11 = tm.xx;
- mm.m21 = tm.xy;
- mm.m12 = tm.yx;
- mm.m22 = tm.yy;
- mm.offsetX = tm.dx;
- mm.offsetY = tm.dy;
- m.matrix = mm;
- r.renderTransform = m;
- } else {
- r.renderTransform = null;
- }
- return this;
- },
- getTextWidth : function() {
- // summary: get the text width in pixels
- return this.rawNode.actualWidth;
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Text.nodeType = "TextBlock";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Path", dojox.gfx.path.Path, {
- // summary: a path shape (Silverlight)
- _updateWithSegment : function(segment) {
- // summary: updates the bounding box of path with new segment
- // segment: Object: a segment
- dojox.gfx.Path.superclass._updateWithSegment.apply(this, arguments);
- var p = this.shape.path;
- if (typeof(p) == "string") {
- this.rawNode.data = p ? p : null;
- }
- },
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: forms a path using a shape (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: an SVG path string or a path object (see
- // dojox.gfx.defaultPath)
- dojox.gfx.Path.superclass.setShape.apply(this, arguments);
- var p = this.shape.path;
- this.rawNode.data = p ? p : null;
- return this; // self
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.Path.nodeType = "Path";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.TextPath", dojox.gfx.path.TextPath, {
- // summary: a textpath shape (Silverlight)
- _updateWithSegment : function(segment) {
- // summary: updates the bounding box of path with new
- // segment
- // segment: Object: a segment
- },
- setShape : function(newShape) {
- // summary: forms a path using a shape (Silverlight)
- // newShape: Object: an SVG path string or a path object
- // (see dojox.gfx.defaultPath)
- },
- _setText : function() {
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.TextPath.nodeType = "text";
- dojo.declare("dojox.gfx.Surface", dojox.gfx.shape.Surface, {
- // summary: a surface object to be used for drawings
- // (Silverlight)
- constructor : function() {
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.Container._init.call(this);
- },
- setDimensions : function(width, height) {
- // summary: sets the width and height of the rawNode
- // width: String: width of surface, e.g., "100px"
- // height: String: height of surface, e.g., "100px"
- this.width = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(width); // in pixels
- this.height = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(height); // in
- // pixels
- var p = this.rawNode && this.rawNode.getHost();
- if (p) {
- p.width = width;
- p.height = height;
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- getDimensions : function() {
- // summary: returns an object with properties "width" and
- // "height"
- var p = this.rawNode && this.rawNode.getHost();
- var t = p ? {
- width : p.content.actualWidth,
- height : p.content.actualHeight
- } : null;
- if (t.width <= 0) {
- t.width = this.width;
- }
- if (t.height <= 0) {
- t.height = this.height;
- }
- return t; // Object
- }
- });
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.surfaces = {};
- dojox.gfx.createSurface = function(parentNode, width, height) {
- // summary: creates a surface (Silverlight)
- // parentNode: Node: a parent node
- // width: String: width of surface, e.g., "100px"
- // height: String: height of surface, e.g., "100px"
- var s = new dojox.gfx.Surface();
- parentNode = dojo.byId(parentNode);
- // create an empty canvas
- var t = parentNode.ownerDocument.createElement("script");
- t.type = "text/xaml";
- t.id = dojox.gfx._base._getUniqueId();
- t.text = "<Canvas xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007' Name='"
- + dojox.gfx._base._getUniqueId() + "'/>";
- document.body.appendChild(t);
- // create a plugin
- var pluginName = dojox.gfx._base._getUniqueId();
- Silverlight.createObject("#" + t.id, // none
- parentNode, pluginName, { // Plugin properties.
- width : String(width), // Width of rectangular region of
- // plugin in pixels.
- height : String(height), // Height of rectangular region
- // of plugin in pixels.
- inplaceInstallPrompt : "false", // Determines whether to
- // display in-place install
- // prompt if invalid version
- // detected.
- // background: "white", // Background color of plugin.
- // isWindowless: "false", // Determines whether to display
- // plugin in Windowless mode.
- background : "transparent", // Background color of plugin.
- isWindowless : "true", // Determines whether to display
- // plugin in Windowless mode.
- framerate : "24", // MaxFrameRate property value.
- version : "1.0" // Silverlight version.
- }, {}, null, null);
- s.rawNode = dojo.byId(pluginName).content.root;
- // register the plugin with its parent node
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.surfaces[s.rawNode.name] = parentNode;
- s.width = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(width); // in pixels
- s.height = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(height); // in pixels
- return s; // dojox.gfx.Surface
- };
- // Extenders
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.Font = {
- _setFont : function() {
- // summary: sets a font object (Silverlight)
- var f = this.fontStyle, r = this.rawNode, fw = dojox.gfx.silverlight.fontweight, fo = dojox.gfx.silverlight.fonts, t = f.family
- .toLowerCase();
- r.fontStyle = f.style == "italic" ? "Italic" : "Normal";
- r.fontWeight = f.weight in fw ? fw[f.weight] : f.weight;
- r.fontSize = dojox.gfx.normalizedLength(f.size);
- r.fontFamily = t in fo ? fo[t] : f.family;
- }
- };
- dojox.gfx.silverlight.Container = {
- _init : function() {
- dojox.gfx.shape.Container._init.call(this);
- },
- add : function(shape) {
- // summary: adds a shape to a group/surface
- // shape: dojox.gfx.Shape: an VML shape object
- if (this != shape.getParent()) {
- // dojox.gfx.Group.superclass.add.apply(this, arguments);
- // this.inherited(arguments);
- dojox.gfx.shape.Container.add.apply(this, arguments);
- this.rawNode.children.add(shape.rawNode);
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- remove : function(shape, silently) {
- // summary: remove a shape from a group/surface
- // shape: dojox.gfx.Shape: an VML shape object
- // silently: Boolean?: if true, regenerate a picture
- if (this == shape.getParent()) {
- var parent = shape.rawNode.getParent();
- if (parent) {
- parent.children.remove(shape.rawNode);
- }
- // dojox.gfx.Group.superclass.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- // this.inherited(arguments);
- dojox.gfx.shape.Container.remove.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return this; // self
- },
- clear : function() {
- // summary: removes all shapes from a group/surface
- this.rawNode.children.clear();
- // return this.inherited(arguments); // self
- return dojox.gfx.shape.Container.clear.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- _moveChildToFront : dojox.gfx.shape.Container._moveChildToFront,
- _moveChildToBack : dojox.gfx.shape.Container._moveChildToBack
- };
- dojo.mixin(dojox.gfx.shape.Creator, {
- createObject : function(shapeType, rawShape) {
- // summary: creates an instance of the passed shapeType
- // class
- // shapeType: Function: a class constructor to create an
- // instance of
- // rawShape: Object: properties to be passed in to the
- // classes "setShape" method
- if (!this.rawNode) {
- return null;
- }
- var shape = new shapeType();
- var node = this.rawNode.getHost().content
- .createFromXaml("<" + shapeType.nodeType + "/>");
- shape.setRawNode(node);
- shape.setShape(rawShape);
- this.add(shape);
- return shape; // dojox.gfx.Shape
- }
- });
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Text, dojox.gfx.silverlight.Font);
- // dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.TextPath, dojox.gfx.silverlight.Font);
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Group, dojox.gfx.silverlight.Container);
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Group, dojox.gfx.shape.Creator);
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Surface, dojox.gfx.silverlight.Container);
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Surface, dojox.gfx.shape.Creator);
- (function() {
- var surfaces = dojox.gfx.silverlight.surfaces;
- var mouseFix = function(s, a) {
- var ev = {
- target : s,
- currentTarget : s,
- preventDefault : function() {
- },
- stopPropagation : function() {
- }
- };
- if (a) {
- ev.ctrlKey = a.ctrl;
- ev.shiftKey = a.shift;
- var p = a.getPosition(null);
- ev.x = ev.offsetX = ev.layerX = p.x;
- ev.y = ev.offsetY = ev.layerY = p.y;
- // calculate clientX and clientY
- var parent = surfaces[s.getHost().content.root.name];
- var t = dojo._abs(parent);
- ev.clientX = t.x + p.x;
- ev.clientY = t.y + p.y;
- }
- return ev;
- };
- var keyFix = function(s, a) {
- var ev = {
- keyCode : a.platformKeyCode,
- ctrlKey : a.ctrl,
- shiftKey : a.shift
- };
- return ev;
- };
- var eventNames = {
- onclick : {
- name : "MouseLeftButtonUp",
- fix : mouseFix
- },
- onmouseenter : {
- name : "MouseEnter",
- fix : mouseFix
- },
- onmouseleave : {
- name : "MouseLeave",
- fix : mouseFix
- },
- onmousedown : {
- name : "MouseLeftButtonDown",
- fix : mouseFix
- },
- onmouseup : {
- name : "MouseLeftButtonUp",
- fix : mouseFix
- },
- onmousemove : {
- name : "MouseMove",
- fix : mouseFix
- },
- onkeydown : {
- name : "KeyDown",
- fix : keyFix
- },
- onkeyup : {
- name : "KeyUp",
- fix : keyFix
- }
- };
- var eventsProcessing = {
- connect : function(name, object, method) {
- var token, n = name in eventNames ? eventNames[name] : {
- name : name,
- fix : function() {
- return {};
- }
- };
- if (arguments.length > 2) {
- token = this.getEventSource().addEventListener(n.name,
- function(s, a) {
- dojo.hitch(object, method)(n.fix(s, a));
- });
- } else {
- token = this.getEventSource().addEventListener(n.name,
- function(s, a) {
- object(n.fix(s, a));
- });
- }
- return {
- name : n.name,
- token : token
- };
- },
- disconnect : function(token) {
- this.getEventSource().removeEventListener(token.name,
- token.token);
- }
- };
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Shape, eventsProcessing);
- dojo.extend(dojox.gfx.Surface, eventsProcessing);
- dojox.gfx.equalSources = function(a, b) {
- return a && b && a.equals(b);
- }
- })();
- }