123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- var indexz = "1"
- var tempwidth, tempwidth2, tempheight, tempheight2, temptop, temptop2, templeft, templeft2;
- var defheight = "99%"// Ĭ�����ʱ�ĸ�
- var defwidth = "99.5%"// Ĭ�����ʱ�Ŀ�
- function changWH(obj1, obj2) {// Ҫ�Ŵ��div��id,Ҫ���icon��id
- indexz = parseInt(indexz) + 1
- var obj1 = document.getElementById(obj1)
- var obj2 = document.getElementById(obj2)
- tempwidth = obj1.style.width;
- tempheight = obj1.style.height;
- temptop = obj1.style.top;
- templeft = obj1.style.left;
- if (tempwidth == defwidth) {
- with (obj1.style) {
- width = tempwidth2
- height = tempheight2
- left = templeft2
- top = temptop2
- zIndex = indexz
- // alert("111width="+width+" height="+height);
- }
- obj2.innerHTML = "1"
- }// ���icon
- else {
- tempwidth2 = tempwidth;
- tempheight2 = tempheight;
- temptop2 = temptop;
- templeft2 = templeft;
- with (obj1.style) {
- width = defwidth
- height = defheight
- top = "1"
- left = "4"
- zIndex = indexz
- // alert("222width="+width+" height="+height);
- }
- obj2.innerHTML = "2"
- }// ����icon
- }