f8435d7b1b947dffe210c731d79eb632afef182b.svn-base 19 KB

  1. /*
  2. var g;
  3. var loadParams = {
  4. "listId" : '404',
  5. "condition" : 'IS_DEL=0'
  6. };
  7. //初始化列表
  8. function initComplete(){
  9. g = $("#maingrid").quiGrid({
  10. columns: [
  11. {name: 'FD_OBJECTID404', hide : true},
  12. {display : '组织机构',name : 'SC_DEPT_ID_404_SHOW' ,align :'center' ,width:'25%',showTitle:true },
  13. {display : '引用系统',name : 'SC_REFERENCE_SYS_404', align : 'center',width : '20%',showTitle:true},
  14. {display : '引用地址',name : 'SC_SYSURL_404', align : 'center',width : '40%',showTitle:true},
  15. {display : '是否启用',name : 'SC_IS_MINITAB_404', align : 'center',width : '15%',showTitle:true}
  16. ],
  17. url :$.pathname() + '/ws/crud/CRUDService/queryQui',
  18. params : loadParams,
  19. sortName : 'FD_OBJECTID404',
  20. sortOrder : 'desc nulls last',
  21. rownumbers:true,
  22. checkbox:true,
  23. height: '100%',
  24. width:"100%",
  25. pageSize: 10,
  26. percentWidthMode:true,
  27. //顶部图标按钮栏
  28. toolbar:
  29. {
  30. items: [
  31. { text: '查询', click: search, iconClass: 'icon_view', disabled: false },
  32. { line: true },
  33. { text: '新增', click: onAdd, iconClass: 'icon_add', disabled: false },
  34. { line: true },
  35. { text: '删除', click: onDelete, iconClass: 'icon_delete', disabled: false },
  36. { line: true },
  37. { text: '修改', click: onEdit, iconClass: 'icon_edit', disabled: false },
  38. { line: true }
  39. ]
  40. }
  41. });
  42. }
  43. *//**
  44. * 修改
  45. *//*
  46. function onEdit(){
  47. var rows = g.getSelectedRows();
  48. if(rows.length==0){
  49. top.Dialog.alert("请选择一条记录");
  50. return;
  51. }
  52. if(rows.length>1){
  53. top.Dialog.alert("只能选择一条记录");
  54. return;
  55. }
  56. var fd_id = rows[0].FD_OBJECTID404;
  57. var iframe =parent.document.getElementsByName("frmright")[0];
  58. iframe.src = $.pathname()+"/page/system/externalSystem/add_external.jsp?"+fd_id;
  59. }
  60. *//**
  61. * 新增
  62. *//*
  63. function onAdd(){
  64. var url = "add_external.jsp";
  65. window.parent.document.getElementById("frmright").
  66. setAttribute("src", "/nwyj/page/system/externalSystem/"+encodeURI(url));
  67. }
  68. *//**
  69. * 删除
  70. *//*
  71. function onDelete(){
  72. var rows = g.getSelectedRows();
  73. var rowsLength = rows.length;
  74. if (rowsLength == 0) {
  75. top.Dialog.alert("请选中要删除的记录!");
  76. return;
  77. }
  78. var ids = "";
  79. for ( var i = 0; i < rowsLength; i++) {
  80. ids += rows[i].FD_OBJECTID404 + ",";
  81. }
  82. top.Dialog.confirm("确定要删除吗?|删除", function() {
  83. // 删除记录
  84. $.post($.pathname() +"/ws/crud/CRUDService/delete/", {
  85. "objectIDs" : ids,
  86. classid : 404
  87. }, function(result) {
  88. if (result.Msg.sucsess == true) {
  89. $.messager.alert("删除成功",null,null,null,1);
  90. // 刷新表格数据
  91. g.loadData();
  92. } else {
  93. top.Dialog.alert("删除失败!");
  94. }
  95. }, "json");
  96. });
  97. }
  98. *//**
  99. * 返回主页面
  100. *//*
  101. function goBack() {
  102. //获取iframe中的元素值
  103. var iframe =parent.document.getElementsByName("frmright")[0];
  104. iframe.src = $.pathname()+"/page/system/externalSystem/externalList.jsp";
  105. }
  106. *//**
  107. * 获取部门信息
  108. *//*
  109. $(function(){
  110. var url = $.pathname() + '/ws/alert/AlertTransferService/queryDept';
  111. $.ajax({
  112. url : url,
  113. type : 'post',
  114. dataType : 'text',
  115. timeout : 60000,
  116. success : function(data){
  117. $("#SC_DEPT_ID_404").data("data",JSON.parse(data));
  118. $("#SC_DEPT_ID_404").render();
  119. },
  120. error : function(){
  121. $.messager.alert('部门获取失败');
  122. }
  123. });
  124. });
  125. *//**
  126. * 表单重置
  127. *//*
  128. function resetForm(){
  129. $("#fillForm")[0].reset();
  130. $("#fillForm .selectTree").resetValue();
  131. };
  132. *//**
  133. * 表单验证(新增调用)
  134. *//*
  135. function addValidateForm(containerId) {
  136. var valid = $(containerId).validationEngine({returnIsValid: true});
  137. if(valid){
  138. if($("#title").text()=="修改外部系统引用配置"){
  139. updataExternal();
  140. } else {
  141. addExternal();
  142. }
  143. }else{
  144. top.Dialog.alert('不符合填写要求,请重新填写');
  145. }
  146. }
  147. *//**
  148. * 引用网址验证
  149. * @returns {Boolean}
  150. *//*
  151. function func1(){
  152. var url = $("#SC_SYSURL_404").val() ;
  153. var strRegex = "^((https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms)?://)"
  154. + "?(([0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+: )?[0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+@)?" //ftp的user@
  155. + "(([0-9]{1,3}/.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" // IP形式的URL-
  156. + "|" // 允许IP和DOMAIN(域名)
  157. + "([0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'()-]+/.)*" // 域名- www.
  158. + "([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-zA-Z]/." // 二级域名
  159. + "[a-zA-Z]{2,6})" // first level domain- .com or .museum
  160. + "(:[0-9]{1,4})?" // 端口- :80
  161. + "((/?)|"
  162. + "(/[0-9a-zA-Z_!~*'().;?:@&=+$,%#-]+)+/?)$";
  163. var re=new RegExp(strRegex);
  164. if(re.test(url)){
  165. return true ;
  166. }
  167. return false ;
  168. }
  169. *//**
  170. * 增加
  171. *//*
  172. function addExternal(){
  173. $form = $('#fillForm');
  174. var url = $.pathname() + '/ws/crud/CRUDService/create';
  175. $.ajax({
  176. url : url,
  177. type : 'post',
  178. data : $form.serialize(),
  179. dataType : 'text',
  180. timeout : 60000,
  181. success : function(data){
  182. goBack();
  183. $.messager.alert("保存成功",null,null,null,1);
  184. },
  185. error : function(){
  186. $.messager.alert('操作失败');
  187. }
  188. });
  189. }
  190. *//**
  191. * 修改表单显示
  192. *//*
  193. $(function(){
  194. //修改表单信息,获取记录
  195. if((window.location.href).indexOf('?')>-1){
  196. var fd_id = (window.location.href).split('?')[1];
  197. $("#title").text("修改外部系统引用配置");
  198. var url = $.pathname() + "/ws/crud/CRUDService/getDataById/";
  199. var params = {
  200. classid : '404',
  201. objectID : fd_id
  202. };
  203. $.ajax({
  204. url : url,
  205. type : 'post',
  206. timeout : 60000,
  207. data : params,
  208. dataType : 'json',
  209. success : function(data){
  210. $('#fillForm').ajaxWrite({data:data});
  211. var name = data.list[0].value;
  212. $('#fillForm input[name="classid"]').val('404');
  213. $("#AcceptUserTree").attr("selectedValue",name);
  214. },
  215. error : function(e){
  216. $.messager.alert('系统提示信息', '访问服务失败!', 'error');
  217. }
  218. });
  219. }
  220. });
  221. *//**
  222. * 修改
  223. *//*
  224. function updataExternal(){
  225. $form = $('#fillForm');
  226. var params = "classid=404&"+$form.serialize();
  227. var url = $.pathname() + '/ws/crud/CRUDService/update';
  228. $.ajax({
  229. url : url,
  230. type : 'post',
  231. data : params,
  232. dataType : 'text',
  233. timeout : 60000,
  234. success : function(data){
  235. goBack();
  236. $.messager.alert("保存成功",null,null,null,1);
  237. },
  238. error : function(){
  239. $.messager.alert('操作失败');
  240. }
  241. });
  242. };
  243. //查询
  244. function search() {
  245. var condition = " 1=1 AND IS_DEL='0' ";
  246. //级织机构
  247. var dept = $('#SC_DEPT_ID_404').attr('selectedValue');
  248. if (dept != "") {
  249. condition += " AND SC_DEPT_ID LIKE '%" + dept + "%'";
  250. }
  251. //引用系统
  252. var sys = $("#SC_REFERENCE_SYS_404").val().trim();
  253. if(sys != ""){
  254. condition += " AND SC_REFERENCE_SYS LIKE '%" + sys +"%'";
  255. }
  256. //引用地址
  257. var sysurl = $("#SC_SYSURL_404").val();
  258. if(sysurl != ""){
  259. condition += " AND SC_SYSURL LIKE '%" + sysurl +"%'";
  260. }
  261. //是否启用
  262. var isMinitab= $('input:radio[name="SC_IS_MINITAB_404"]:checked').val();
  263. if(isMinitab!=2){
  264. condition += " AND SC_IS_MINITAB LIKE '%"+isMinitab+"%'";
  265. }
  266. // 重置加载列表的参数
  267. g.setOptions({
  268. params : {
  269. "listId" : '404',
  270. "condition" : condition
  271. }
  272. });
  273. g.setNewPage(1);
  274. g.loadData();// 刷新列表
  275. }
  276. */
  277. /**
  278. * 功能:
  279. *
  280. *
  281. * @author
  282. * @date 2015/10/12
  283. */
  284. External = function() {
  285. /**定义变量**/
  286. var _this = this;
  287. _this.listGrid = null;//数据列表
  288. $queryForm = null;//查询区域表单
  289. $searchButt = null;//查询按钮
  290. $more = null;//更多
  291. _this.loadParams = null;//列表加载参数
  292. /**私有方法**/
  293. /***新增信息***/
  294. _this.addForm = function(){
  295. $('#frmright',window.parent.document).attr('src',$.pathname()+'/page/system/externalSystem/add_external.jsp?fd_id=');
  296. };
  297. /***修改信息***/
  298. _this.editForm = function(){
  299. var rows = _this.listGrid.getSelectedRows();
  300. var rowsLength = rows.length;
  301. if (rowsLength == 0) {
  302. top.Dialog.alert("请选中要修改的记录!");
  303. return;
  304. } else if (rowsLength > 1) {
  305. top.Dialog.alert("请选中一条要修改的记录!");
  306. return;
  307. } else {
  308. var fd_id = _this.listGrid.getSelectedRow().FD_OBJECTID404;
  309. $('#frmright',window.parent.document).attr('src',$.pathname()+'/page/system/externalSystem/add_external.jsp?fd_id='+fd_id);
  310. }
  311. };
  312. /***删除信息***/
  313. _this.del = function(){
  314. var rows = _this.listGrid.getSelectedRows();
  315. var rowsLength = rows.length;
  316. if (rowsLength == 0) {
  317. top.Dialog.alert("请选中要删除的记录!");
  318. return;
  319. }
  320. var ids = "";
  321. for ( var i = 0; i < rowsLength; i++) {
  322. ids += rows[i].FD_OBJECTID404 + ",";
  323. }
  324. var url = $.pathname() +"/ws/crud/CRUDService/delete/";
  325. var params = {
  326. objectIDs : ids,
  327. classid : 404
  328. };
  329. top.Dialog.confirm("确定要删除吗?|删除", function() {
  330. $.request.del(url,params,function(result){
  331. if (result.Msg.sucsess == true) {
  332. top.Dialog.alert("删除成功!");
  333. // 刷新表格数据
  334. _this.listGrid.loadData();
  335. } else {
  336. top.Dialog.alert("删除失败!");
  337. }
  338. });
  339. });
  340. };
  341. function spliceArr(str, arr){
  342. var cond = "AND( ";
  343. for(var key in arr){
  344. cond += str + " = '" + arr[key] + "' OR " ;
  345. }
  346. cond = cond.slice(0, cond.length-3);
  347. cond += ")";
  348. return cond;
  349. };
  350. //查询
  351. function search(){
  352. var condition = " IS_DEL='0' AND SC_DEPT_ID IS NOT NULL ";
  353. //级织机构
  354. var dept = $('#SC_DEPT_ID_404').attr('relValue');
  355. if (dept != "" && dept != undefined && dept != null) {
  356. var arr = dept.split(",");
  357. condition += spliceArr("SC_DEPT_ID",arr);
  358. }
  359. //引用系统
  360. var sys = $("#TM_NAME_404").val().trim();
  361. if(sys != ""){
  362. condition += " AND TM_NAME LIKE '%" + sys +"%'";
  363. }
  364. //引用地址
  365. var sysurl = $("#TM_URL_404").val();
  366. if(sysurl != ""){
  367. condition += " AND TM_URL LIKE '%" + sysurl +"%'";
  368. }
  369. //是否启用
  370. var isMinitab= $('input:radio[name="TM_USE_404"]:checked').val();
  371. if(isMinitab!=2){
  372. condition += " AND TM_USE = '"+isMinitab+"'";
  373. }
  374. _this.listGrid.setOptions( {
  375. params : {"listId" : '404', "condition" : condition}
  376. });
  377. //页号重置为1
  378. _this.listGrid.setNewPage(1);
  379. _this.listGrid.loadData();//加载数据
  380. }
  381. return {
  382. init : function() {
  383. //列表加载参数
  384. _this.loadParams = {
  385. listId : '404',
  386. condition : "is_del='0' and is_external='0'"
  387. };
  388. /**grid载入数据**/
  389. _this.listGrid = $("#dataGrid").quiGrid({
  390. //title : "定时任务管理数据列表",
  391. columns : [{name: 'FD_OBJECTID404', hide : true},
  392. {display : '组织机构',name : 'SC_DEPT_ID_404_SHOW' ,align :'center' ,width:'15%',showTitle:true,
  393. render:function(rowdata, rowindex, value, column){
  394. return "" == value ? "所有机构" : value ;
  395. }},
  396. {display : '归属模块',name : 'TM_AREAID_404_SHOW' ,align :'center' ,width:'10%',showTitle:true },
  397. {display : '引用系统',name : 'TM_NAME_404', align : 'center',width : '10%',showTitle:true},
  398. {display : '引用地址',name : 'TM_URL_404', align : 'center',width : '45%',showTitle:true},
  399. {display : '是否启用',name : 'TM_USE_404', align : 'center',width : '10%',showTitle:true,
  400. render : function(rowdata, rowindex, value, column){
  401. return "1" == value ? "是" : "否";
  402. }
  403. },
  404. {display : '是否为4A登陆',name : 'IS_FORUA_404_SHOW', align : 'center',width : '10%',showTitle:true}],
  405. url : $.pathname() + '/ws/crud/CRUDService/queryQui',
  406. params : _this.loadParams,
  407. sortName : 'updatedate',
  408. sortOrder : 'desc',//asc
  409. rownumbers : true,
  410. checkbox : true,
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  412. pageSize : 10,
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  414. toolbar:
  415. {
  416. items: [{ text: '查询', click: search, iconClass: 'icon_view', disabled: false },
  417. { line: true },
  418. { text: '新增', click: _this.addForm, iconClass: 'icon_add', disabled: false },
  419. { line: true },
  420. { text: '删除', click: _this.del, iconClass: 'icon_delete', disabled: false },
  421. { line: true },
  422. { text: '修改', click: _this.editForm, iconClass: 'icon_edit', disabled: false },
  423. { line: true }]
  424. }
  425. });
  426. $('.l-bar-group').find('select').change(function (){
  427. setTimeout(function(){
  428. $(top.parent.document.body).find("#frmright").css("height",$(window.document.body).height()+20);
  429. },1000);
  430. });
  431. /*
  432. _this.listGrid = $("#dataGrid").quiGrid({
  433. //title : "定时任务管理数据列表",
  434. columns : [{name: 'FD_ID', hide : true},
  435. {display : '组织机构',name : 'DEPT' ,align :'center' ,width:'15%',showTitle:true },
  436. {display : '归属模块',name : 'AREA' ,align :'center' ,width:'15%',showTitle:true },
  437. {display : '引用系统',name : 'NAME', align : 'center',width : '15%',showTitle:true},
  438. {display : '引用地址',name : 'URL', align : 'center',width : '45%',showTitle:true},
  439. {display : '是否启用',name : 'USE', align : 'center',width : '10%',showTitle:true,
  440. render : function(rowdata, rowindex, value, column){
  441. return "1" == value ? "是" : "否";
  442. }
  443. }],
  444. url : $.pathname() + '/ws/cockpit/CockpitService/getGridExternal',
  445. params : _this.loadParams,
  446. sortName : 'updatedate',
  447. sortOrder : 'desc',//asc
  448. rownumbers : true,
  449. checkbox : true,
  450. width : "100%",
  451. pageSize : 10,
  452. percentWidthMode : true,
  453. toolbar:
  454. {
  455. items: [{ text: '查询', click: search, iconClass: 'icon_view', disabled: false },
  456. { line: true },
  457. { text: '新增', click: _this.addForm, iconClass: 'icon_add', disabled: false },
  458. { line: true },
  459. { text: '删除', click: _this.del, iconClass: 'icon_delete', disabled: false },
  460. { line: true },
  461. { text: '修改', click: _this.editForm, iconClass: 'icon_edit', disabled: false },
  462. { line: true }]
  463. }
  464. });*/
  465. }
  466. };
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