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  35. $(function(){
  36. if(value=="hejiSum"){
  37. condition ="IMPORT_LEVEL = '4' ";
  38. }else if(value=="hejidmSum"){
  39. condition ="IMPORT_LEVEL = '4' and (IS_MEET_OF_SUPPLY = '1') and ";
  40. }else if(value=="hejizbSum"){
  41. condition ="IMPORT_LEVEL = '4' and (IS_MEET_OF_SELF_PROVIDE = '1') and ";
  42. }else if(value=="hejisfSum"){
  43. condition ="IMPORT_LEVEL = '4' and (IS_MEET_OF_SELF_PROVIDE = '0') and (IS_MEET_OF_SUPPLY = '0') and";
  44. };
  45. loadParams = { "id" : dept_id, "condition":condition };
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  48. url :'/nwyj/ws/customerHuiZong/customerHuiZongService/getCustomerModel2',
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  68. function setTitle(){
  69. $("#i_page_hed").text(name+"重点关注用户详情表");
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