/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Cross Browser Tree Widget 1.16 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Created by Emil A Eklund | | (http://webfx.eae.net/contact.html#emil) | | For WebFX (http://webfx.eae.net/) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | An object based tree widget, emulating the one found in microsoft windows, | | with persistence using cookies. Works in IE 5+, Mozilla and konqueror 3. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Emil A Eklund | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or | | implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, | | fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the | | authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other | | liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising | | from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other | | dealings in the software. | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | This software is available under the three different licenses mentioned | | below. To use this software you must chose, and qualify, for one of those. | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | The WebFX Non-Commercial License http://webfx.eae.net/license.html | | Permits anyone the right to use the software in a non-commercial context | | free of charge. | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | The WebFX Commercial license http://webfx.eae.net/commercial.html | | Permits the license holder the right to use the software in a commercial | | context. Such license must be specifically obtained, however it's valid for | | any number of implementations of the licensed software. | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | GPL - The GNU General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt | | Permits anyone the right to use and modify the software without limitations | | as long as proper credits are given and the original and modified source | | code are included. Requires that the final product, software derivate from | | the original source or any software utilizing a GPL component, such as | | this, is also licensed under the GPL license. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Dependencies: xtree.css (To set up the CSS of the tree classes) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 2001-01-10 | Original Version Posted. | | 2001-03-18 | Added getSelected and get/setBehavior that can make it behave | | | more like windows explorer, check usage for more information. | | 2001-09-23 | Version 1.1 - New features included keyboard navigation (ie) | | | and the ability to add and remove nodes dynamically and some | | | other small tweaks and fixes. | | 2002-01-27 | Version 1.11 - Bug fixes and improved mozilla support. | | 2002-06-11 | Version 1.12 - Fixed a bug that prevented the indentation line | | | from updating correctly under some circumstances. This bug | | | happened when removing the last item in a subtree and items in | | | siblings to the remove subtree where not correctly updated. | | 2002-06-13 | Fixed a few minor bugs cased by the 1.12 bug-fix. | | 2002-08-20 | Added usePersistence flag to allow disable of cookies. | | 2002-10-23 | (1.14) Fixed a plus icon issue | | 2002-10-29 | (1.15) Last changes broke more than they fixed. This version | | | is based on 1.13 and fixes the bugs 1.14 fixed withou breaking | | | lots of other things. | | 2003-02-15 | The selected node can now be made visible even when the tree | | | control loses focus. It uses a new class declaration in the | | | css file '.webfx-tree-item a.selected-inactive', by default it | | | puts a light-gray rectangle around the selected node. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Created 2000-12-11 | All changes are in the log above. | Updated 2003-02-15 | \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var webFXTreeConfig = { rootIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/xtree_folder_close.gif', openRootIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/xtree_folder_open.gif', folderIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/xtree_folder_close.gif', openFolderIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/xtree_folder_open.gif', fileIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/Leaf.gif', iIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/I.png', lIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/L.png', lMinusIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/Lminus.png', lPlusIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/Lplus.png', tIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/T.png', tMinusIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/Tminus.png', tPlusIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/Tplus.png', blankIcon : '/GDZJ/images/system/xtree_blank.gif', defaultText : 'Tree Item', defaultAction : 'javascript:void(0);', defaultBehavior : 'classic', usePersistence : true }; var webFXTreeHandler = { idCounter : 0, idPrefix : "webfx-tree-object-", all : {}, behavior : null, selected : null, onSelect : null, /* should be part of tree, not handler */ getId : function() { return this.idPrefix + this.idCounter++; }, toggle : function(oItem) { this.all[oItem.id.replace('-plus', '')].toggle(); }, select : function(oItem) { this.all[oItem.id.replace('-icon', '')].select(); }, focus : function(oItem) { this.all[oItem.id.replace('-anchor', '')].focus(); }, blur : function(oItem) { this.all[oItem.id.replace('-anchor', '')].blur(); }, keydown : function(oItem, e) { return this.all[oItem.id].keydown(e.keyCode); }, cookies : new WebFXCookie(), insertHTMLBeforeEnd : function(oElement, sHTML) { if (oElement.insertAdjacentHTML != null) { oElement.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", sHTML) return; } var df; // DocumentFragment var r = oElement.ownerDocument.createRange(); r.selectNodeContents(oElement); r.collapse(false); df = r.createContextualFragment(sHTML); oElement.appendChild(df); } }; /* * WebFXCookie class */ function WebFXCookie() { if (document.cookie.length) { this.cookies = ' ' + document.cookie; } } WebFXCookie.prototype.setCookie = function(key, value) { document.cookie = key + "=" + escape(value); } WebFXCookie.prototype.getCookie = function(key) { if (this.cookies) { var start = this.cookies.indexOf(' ' + key + '='); if (start == -1) { return null; } var end = this.cookies.indexOf(";", start); if (end == -1) { end = this.cookies.length; } end -= start; var cookie = this.cookies.substr(start, end); return unescape(cookie.substr(cookie.indexOf('=') + 1, cookie.length - cookie.indexOf('=') + 1)); } else { return null; } } /* * WebFXTreeAbstractNode class */ function WebFXTreeAbstractNode(sText, sAction) { this.childNodes = []; this.id = webFXTreeHandler.getId(); this.text = sText || webFXTreeConfig.defaultText; this.action = sAction || webFXTreeConfig.defaultAction; this._last = false; webFXTreeHandler.all[this.id] = this; } /* * To speed thing up if you're adding multiple nodes at once (after load) use * the bNoIdent parameter to prevent automatic re-indentation and call the * obj.ident() method manually once all nodes has been added. */ WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.add = function(node, bNoIdent) { node.parentNode = this; this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length] = node; var root = this; if (this.childNodes.length >= 2) { this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2]._last = false; } while (root.parentNode) { root = root.parentNode; } if (root.rendered) { if (this.childNodes.length >= 2) { document .getElementById(this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2].id + '-plus').src = ((this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2].folder) ? ((this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2].open) ? webFXTreeConfig.tMinusIcon : webFXTreeConfig.tPlusIcon) : webFXTreeConfig.tIcon); this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2].plusIcon = webFXTreeConfig.tPlusIcon; this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2].minusIcon = webFXTreeConfig.tMinusIcon; this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 2]._last = false; } this._last = true; var foo = this; while (foo.parentNode) { for (var i = 0; i < foo.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (foo.id == foo.parentNode.childNodes[i].id) { break; } } if (i == foo.parentNode.childNodes.length - 1) { foo.parentNode._last = true; } else { foo.parentNode._last = false; } foo = foo.parentNode; } webFXTreeHandler.insertHTMLBeforeEnd(document.getElementById(this.id + '-cont'), node.toString()); if ((!this.folder) && (!this.openIcon)) { this.icon = webFXTreeConfig.folderIcon; this.openIcon = webFXTreeConfig.openFolderIcon; } if (!this.folder) { this.folder = true; this.collapse(true); } if (!bNoIdent) { this.indent(); } } return node; } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.toggle = function() { if (this.folder) { if (this.open) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); } } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.select = function() { document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').focus(); } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.deSelect = function() { document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').className = ''; webFXTreeHandler.selected = null; } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.focus = function() { if ((webFXTreeHandler.selected) && (webFXTreeHandler.selected != this)) { webFXTreeHandler.selected.deSelect(); } webFXTreeHandler.selected = this; if ((this.openIcon) && (webFXTreeHandler.behavior != 'classic')) { document.getElementById(this.id + '-icon').src = this.openIcon; } document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').className = 'selected'; document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').focus(); if (webFXTreeHandler.onSelect) { webFXTreeHandler.onSelect(this); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.blur = function() { if ((this.openIcon) && (webFXTreeHandler.behavior != 'classic')) { document.getElementById(this.id + '-icon').src = this.icon; } document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').className = 'selected-inactive'; } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.doExpand = function() { if (webFXTreeHandler.behavior == 'classic') { document.getElementById(this.id + '-icon').src = this.openIcon; if (document.getElementById(this.id + '-Folder').className == "l1folderclose") { document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').className = "l1folderopen"; document.getElementById(this.id + '-Folder').className = "l1folderopen"; document.getElementById(this.id + '-Folder-top').className = "l1folderopen"; } } if (this.childNodes.length) { document.getElementById(this.id + '-cont').style.display = 'block'; } this.open = true; if (webFXTreeConfig.usePersistence) { webFXTreeHandler.cookies.setCookie(this.id.substr(18, this.id.length - 18), '1'); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.doCollapse = function() { if (webFXTreeHandler.behavior == 'classic') { document.getElementById(this.id + '-icon').src = this.icon; if (document.getElementById(this.id + '-Folder').className == "l1folderopen") { document.getElementById(this.id + '-anchor').className = "l1folderclose"; document.getElementById(this.id + '-Folder').className = "l1folderclose"; document.getElementById(this.id + '-Folder-top').className = "l1folderclose"; } } if (this.childNodes.length) { document.getElementById(this.id + '-cont').style.display = 'none'; } this.open = false; if (webFXTreeConfig.usePersistence) { webFXTreeHandler.cookies.setCookie(this.id.substr(18, this.id.length - 18), '0'); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.expandAll = function() { this.expandChildren(); if ((this.folder) && (!this.open)) { this.expand(); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.expandChildren = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) { this.childNodes[i].expandAll(); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.collapseAll = function() { this.collapseChildren(); if ((this.folder) && (this.open)) { this.collapse(true); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.collapseChildren = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) { this.childNodes[i].collapseAll(); } } WebFXTreeAbstractNode.prototype.indent = function(lvl, del, last, level, nodesLeft) { /* * Since we only want to modify items one level below ourself, and since the * rightmost indentation position is occupied by the plus icon we set this * to -2 */ if (lvl == null) { lvl = -2; } var state = 0; for (var i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { state = this.childNodes[i].indent(lvl + 1, del, last, level); if (state) { return; } } if (del) { if ((level >= this._level) && (document.getElementById(this.id + '-plus'))) { if (this.folder) { document.getElementById(this.id + '-plus').src = (this.open) ? webFXTreeConfig.lMinusIcon : webFXTreeConfig.lPlusIcon; this.plusIcon = webFXTreeConfig.lPlusIcon; this.minusIcon = webFXTreeConfig.lMinusIcon; } else if (nodesLeft) { document.getElementById(this.id + '-plus').src = webFXTreeConfig.lIcon; } return 1; } } var foo = document.getElementById(this.id + '-indent-' + lvl); if (foo) { if ((foo._last) || ((del) && (last))) { foo.src = webFXTreeConfig.blankIcon; } else { foo.src = webFXTreeConfig.iIcon; } } return 0; } /* * WebFXTree class */ function WebFXTree(sText, sAction, sBehavior, sIcon, sOpenIcon) { this.base = WebFXTreeAbstractNode; this.base(sText, sAction); this.icon = sIcon || webFXTreeConfig.rootIcon; this.openIcon = sOpenIcon || webFXTreeConfig.openRootIcon; /* Defaults to open */ if (webFXTreeConfig.usePersistence) { this.open = (webFXTreeHandler.cookies.getCookie(this.id.substr(18, this.id.length - 18)) == '0') ? false : true; } else { this.open = true; } this.folder = true; this.rendered = false; this.onSelect = null; if (!webFXTreeHandler.behavior) { webFXTreeHandler.behavior = sBehavior || webFXTreeConfig.defaultBehavior; } } WebFXTree.prototype = new WebFXTreeAbstractNode; WebFXTree.prototype.setBehavior = function(sBehavior) { webFXTreeHandler.behavior = sBehavior; }; WebFXTree.prototype.getBehavior = function(sBehavior) { return webFXTreeHandler.behavior; }; WebFXTree.prototype.getSelected = function() { if (webFXTreeHandler.selected) { return webFXTreeHandler.selected; } else { return null; } } WebFXTree.prototype.remove = function() { } WebFXTree.prototype.expand = function() { this.doExpand(); } WebFXTree.prototype.collapse = function(b) { if (!b) { this.focus(); } this.doCollapse(); } WebFXTree.prototype.getFirst = function() { return null; } WebFXTree.prototype.getLast = function() { return null; } WebFXTree.prototype.getNextSibling = function() { return null; } WebFXTree.prototype.getPreviousSibling = function() { return null; } WebFXTree.prototype.keydown = function(key) { if (key == 39) { if (!this.open) { this.expand(); } else if (this.childNodes.length) { this.childNodes[0].select(); } return false; } if (key == 37) { this.collapse(); return false; } if ((key == 40) && (this.open) && (this.childNodes.length)) { this.childNodes[0].select(); return false; } return true; } WebFXTree.prototype.toString = function() { var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) { str += this.childNodes[i].toString(i, this.childNodes.length); } this.rendered = true; str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; str += "
"; return str; }; /* * WebFXTreeItem class */ function WebFXTreeItem(sText, sAction, isOpen, eParent, sIcon, sOpenIcon) { this.base = WebFXTreeAbstractNode; this.base(sText, sAction); /* Defaults to close */ if (webFXTreeConfig.usePersistence) { this.open = (webFXTreeHandler.cookies.getCookie(this.id.substr(18, this.id.length - 18)) == '1') ? true : false; } else { this.open = false; } this.open = isOpen; if (sIcon) { this.icon = sIcon; } if (sOpenIcon) { this.openIcon = sOpenIcon; } if (eParent) { eParent.add(this); } } WebFXTreeItem.prototype = new WebFXTreeAbstractNode; WebFXTreeItem.prototype.remove = function() { var iconSrc = document.getElementById(this.id + '-plus').src; var parentNode = this.parentNode; var prevSibling = this.getPreviousSibling(true); var nextSibling = this.getNextSibling(true); var folder = this.parentNode.folder; var last = ((nextSibling) && (nextSibling.parentNode) && (nextSibling.parentNode.id == parentNode.id)) ? false : true; this.getPreviousSibling().focus(); this._remove(); if (parentNode.childNodes.length == 0) { document.getElementById(parentNode.id + '-cont').style.display = 'none'; parentNode.doCollapse(); parentNode.folder = false; parentNode.open = false; } if (!nextSibling || last) { parentNode.indent(null, true, last, this._level, parentNode.childNodes.length); } if ((prevSibling == parentNode) && !(parentNode.childNodes.length)) { prevSibling.folder = false; prevSibling.open = false; iconSrc = document.getElementById(prevSibling.id + '-plus').src; iconSrc = iconSrc.replace('minus', '').replace('plus', ''); document.getElementById(prevSibling.id + '-plus').src = iconSrc; document.getElementById(prevSibling.id + '-icon').src = webFXTreeConfig.fileIcon; } if (document.getElementById(prevSibling.id + '-plus')) { if (parentNode == prevSibling.parentNode) { iconSrc = iconSrc.replace('minus', '').replace('plus', ''); document.getElementById(prevSibling.id + '-plus').src = iconSrc; } } } WebFXTreeItem.prototype._remove = function() { for (var i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.childNodes[i]._remove(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (this == this.parentNode.childNodes[i]) { for (var j = i; j < this.parentNode.childNodes.length; j++) { this.parentNode.childNodes[j] = this.parentNode.childNodes[j + 1]; } this.parentNode.childNodes.length -= 1; if (i + 1 == this.parentNode.childNodes.length) { this.parentNode._last = true; } break; } } webFXTreeHandler.all[this.id] = null; var tmp = document.getElementById(this.id); if (tmp) { tmp.parentNode.removeChild(tmp); } tmp = document.getElementById(this.id + '-cont'); if (tmp) { tmp.parentNode.removeChild(tmp); } } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.expand = function() { this.doExpand(); // document.getElementById(this.id + '-plus').src = this.minusIcon; } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.collapse = function(b) { if (!b) { this.focus(); } this.doCollapse(); // document.getElementById(this.id + '-plus').src = this.plusIcon; } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.getFirst = function() { return this.childNodes[0]; } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.getLast = function() { if (this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1].open) { return this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1].getLast(); } else { return this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1]; } } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.getNextSibling = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (this == this.parentNode.childNodes[i]) { break; } } if (++i == this.parentNode.childNodes.length) { return this.parentNode.getNextSibling(); } else { return this.parentNode.childNodes[i]; } } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.getPreviousSibling = function(b) { for (var i = 0; i < this.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (this == this.parentNode.childNodes[i]) { break; } } if (i == 0) { return this.parentNode; } else { if ((this.parentNode.childNodes[--i].open) || (b && this.parentNode.childNodes[i].folder)) { return this.parentNode.childNodes[i].getLast(); } else { return this.parentNode.childNodes[i]; } } } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.keydown = function(key) { if ((key == 39) && (this.folder)) { if (!this.open) { this.expand(); } else { this.getFirst().select(); } return false; } else if (key == 37) { if (this.open) { this.collapse(); } else { this.parentNode.select(); } return false; } else if (key == 40) { if (this.open) { this.getFirst().select(); } else { var sib = this.getNextSibling(); if (sib) { sib.select(); } } return false; } else if (key == 38) { this.getPreviousSibling().select(); return false; } return true; } WebFXTreeItem.prototype.toString = function(nItem, nItemCount) { var foo = this.parentNode; var indent = ''; if (nItem + 1 == nItemCount) { this.parentNode._last = true; } var i = 0; if (this.childNodes.length) { this.folder = 1; } else { this.open = false; } if ((this.folder) || (webFXTreeHandler.behavior != 'classic')) { if (!this.icon) { this.icon = webFXTreeConfig.folderIcon; } if (!this.openIcon) { this.openIcon = webFXTreeConfig.openFolderIcon; } } else { if (!this.icon) { this.icon = webFXTreeConfig.folderIcon; } if (!this.openIcon) { this.openIcon = webFXTreeConfig.openFolderIcon; } } // var label = this.text.replace(//g, '>'); var label = this.text; var classFolder = "l1folderclose"; var classItem = "l1item"; var classItema = "l1itema"; if (this.folder == 1 && this.open == true) { classFolder = "l1folderopen"; } if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode) { classFolder = "l2folderopen"; } if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) { classItem = "l2item"; classItema = "l2itema"; } var str = "" if (this.folder == 1 && !this.parentNode.parentNode) { str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; } if (nItem == 0 && this.parentNode.parentNode && !this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) { str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; } if (nItem == 0 && this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) { str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; } if (this.folder == 1) { str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; } else { str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; } var space = "  "; if (this.folder == 1) { str += ""; str += ""; } else { str += ""; str += ""; } str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; str += ""; str += "
"; if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode) str += space; if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) str += space; str += "" + label + "
"; if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode) str += space; if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode && this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) str += space; str += "" + "" + label + "
"; for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) { str += this.childNodes[i].toString(i, this.childNodes.length); } str += "
"; return str; }