/* * Copyright Scand LLC http://www.scbr.com To use this component please contact * info@scbr.com to obtain license */ /** * @desc: dhtmlxGrid cell object constructor (shouldn't be accesed directly. Use * cells and cells2 methods of the grid instead) * @type: public * @returns: dhtmlxGrid cell */ function dhtmlXGridCellObject(obj) { /** * @desc: desctructor, clean used memory * @type: public */ this.destructor = function() { this.cell.obj = null; this.cell = null; this.grid = null; this.base = null; return null; } this.cell = obj; /** * @desc: gets Value of cell * @type: public */ this.getValue = function() { return this.cell.innerHTML._dhx_trim();// innerText; } /** * @desc: gets math formula of cell if any * @type: public */ this.getMathValue = function() { if (this.cell._val) return this.cell._val;// innerText; else return this.getValue(); } /** * @desc: determ. font style if it was set * @returns: font name only if it was set for the cell * @type: public */ this.getFont = function() { arOut = new Array(3); if (this.cell.style.fontFamily) arOut[0] = this.cell.style.fontFamily if (this.cell.style.fontWeight == 'bold' || this.cell.parentNode.style.fontWeight == 'bold') arOut[1] = 'bold'; if (this.cell.style.fontStyle == 'italic' || this.cell.parentNode.style.fontWeight == 'italic') arOut[1] += 'italic'; if (this.cell.style.fontSize) arOut[2] = this.cell.style.fontSize else arOut[2] = ""; return arOut.join("-") } /** * @desc: determ. cell's text color * @returns: cell's text color * @type: public */ this.getTextColor = function() { if (this.cell.style.color) return this.cell.style.color else return "#000000"; } /** * @desc: determ. cell's background color * @returns: cell's background color * @type: public */ this.getBgColor = function() { if (this.cell.bgColor) return this.cell.bgColor else return "#FFFFFF"; } /** * @desc: determines horisontal align od the cell * @returns: horisontal align of cell content * @type: public */ this.getHorAlign = function() { if (this.cell.style.textAlign) return this.cell.style.textAlign; else if (this.cell.align) return this.cell.align else return "left"; } /** * @desc: gets width of the cell in pixel * @returns: width of the cell in pixels * @type: public */ this.getWidth = function() { return this.cell.scrollWidth; } /** * @desc: sets font family to the cell * @param: val - string in format: * Arial-bold(italic,bolditalic,underline)-12px * @type: public */ this.setFont = function(val) { fntAr = val.split("-"); this.cell.style.fontFamily = fntAr[0]; this.cell.style.fontSize = fntAr[fntAr.length - 1] if (fntAr.length == 3) { if (/bold/.test(fntAr[1])) this.cell.style.fontWeight = "bold"; if (/italic/.test(fntAr[1])) this.cell.style.fontStyle = "italic"; if (/underline/.test(fntAr[1])) this.cell.style.textDecoration = "underline"; } } /** * @desc: sets text color to the cell * @param: val - color value (name or hex) * @type: public */ this.setTextColor = function(val) { this.cell.style.color = val; } /** * @desc: sets background color to the cell * @param: val - color value (name or hex) * @type: public */ this.setBgColor = function(val) { if (val == "") val = null; this.cell.bgColor = val; } /** * @desc: sets horisontal align to the cell * @param: val - value in single-letter or full format(exmp: r or right) * @type: public */ this.setHorAlign = function(val) { if (val.length == 1) { if (val == 'c') this.cell.style.textAlign = 'center' else if (val == 'l') this.cell.style.textAlign = 'left'; else this.cell.style.textAlign = 'right'; } else this.cell.style.textAlign = val } /** * @desc: determines whether cell value was changed * @returns: true if cell value was changed, otherwise - false * @type: public */ this.wasChanged = function() { if (this.cell.wasChanged) return true; else return false; } /** * @desc: determines whether first child of the cell is checkbox or radio * @returns: true if first child of the cell is input element of type radio * or checkbox * @type: public */ this.isCheckbox = function() { var ch = this.cell.firstChild; if (ch && ch.tagName == 'INPUT') { type = ch.type; if (type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') return true; else return false; } else return false; } /** * @desc: determines whether radio or checkbox inside is checked * @returns: true if first child of the cell is checked * @type: public */ this.isChecked = function() { if (this.isCheckbox()) { return this.cell.firstChild.checked; } } /** * @desc: determines whether cell content (radio,checkbox) is disabled * @returns: true if first child of the cell is disabled * @type: public */ this.isDisabled = function() { if (this.isCheckbox()) { return this.cell.firstChild.disabled; } } /** * @desc: checks checkbox or radion * @param: fl - true or false * @type: public */ this.setChecked = function(fl) { if (this.isCheckbox()) { if (fl != 'true' && fl != 1) fl = false; this.cell.firstChild.checked = fl; } } /** * @desc: disables radio or checkbox * @param: fl - true or false * @type: public */ this.setDisabled = function(fl) { if (this.isCheckbox()) { if (fl != 'true' && fl != 1) fl = false; this.cell.firstChild.disabled = fl; if (this.disabledF) this.disabledF(fl); } } } /** * @desc: sets value to the cell * @param: val - new value * @type: public */ dhtmlXGridCellObject.prototype.setValue = function(val) { if (!val || val.toString()._dhx_trim() == "") { val = " " this.cell._clearCell = true; } this.cell.innerHTML = val; } /** * @desc: geth math code of ExCell * @param: val - new value * @type: public */ dhtmlXGridCellObject.prototype.getMath = function(val) { if (this._val) return this.val; else return this.getValue(); } /** * @desc: dhtmlxGrid cell editor constructor (base for all eXcells). Shouldn't * be accessed directly * @returns: dhtmlxGrid cell editor object * @type: public */ function eXcell() { this.obj = null;// editor // this.cell = null//cell to get value from this.val = null;// current value (before edit) /** * @desc: occures on space for example * @type: private */ this.changeState = function() { return false } /** * @desc: opens editor * @type: private */ this.edit = function() { this.val = this.getValue() }// /** * @desc: return value to cell, closes editor * @returns: if cell's value was changed (true) or not * @type: private */ this.detach = function() { return false }// /** * @desc: gets position (left-right) of element * @param: oNode - element to get position of * @type: private * @topic: 8 */ this.getPosition = function(oNode) { var oCurrentNode = oNode; var iLeft = 0; var iTop = 0; while (oCurrentNode.tagName != "BODY") { iLeft += oCurrentNode.offsetLeft; iTop += oCurrentNode.offsetTop; oCurrentNode = oCurrentNode.offsetParent; } return new Array(iLeft, iTop); } } eXcell.prototype = new dhtmlXGridCellObject; // simple text editor function eXcell_ed(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; } catch (er) { } this.edit = function() { this.val = this.getValue(); this.obj = document.createElement(_isKHTML ? "INPUT" : "TEXTAREA"); this.obj.style.height = (this.cell.offsetHeight - (this.grid.multiLine ? 5 : 4)) + "px"; this.obj.className = "dhx_combo_edit"; this.obj.wrap = "soft"; this.obj.style.textAlign = this.cell.align; this.obj.onclick = function(e) { (e || event).cancelBubble = true } this.obj.value = this.val this.cell.innerHTML = ""; this.cell.appendChild(this.obj); this.obj.onselectstart = function(e) { if (!e) e = event; e.cancelBubble = true; return true; }; this.obj.focus() this.obj.focus() } this.getValue = function() { // this.grid.editStop(); return this.cell.innerHTML.toString()._dhx_trim() } this.detach = function() { this.setValue(this.obj.value); return this.val != this.getValue(); } } eXcell_ed.prototype = new eXcell; // numeric text editor function eXcell_edn(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; } catch (er) { } this.edit = function() { this.val = this.getValue(); this.obj = document.createElement(_isKHTML ? "INPUT" : "TEXTAREA"); this.obj.className = "dhx_combo_edit"; this.obj.style.height = (this.cell.offsetHeight - 4) + "px"; this.obj.wrap = "soft"; this.obj.style.textAlign = this.cell.align; this.obj.onclick = function(e) { (e || event).cancelBubble = true } this.obj.value = this.val; this.cell.innerHTML = ""; this.cell.appendChild(this.obj); this.obj.onselectstart = function(e) { if (!e) e = event; e.cancelBubble = true; return true; }; this.obj.focus() this.obj.focus() } this.getValue = function() { // this.grid.editStop(); return this.grid._aplNFb(this.cell.innerHTML.toString()._dhx_trim(), this.cell._cellIndex); } this.detach = function() { var tv = this.obj.value; this.setValue(tv); return this.val != this.getValue(); } } eXcell_edn.prototype = new eXcell; eXcell_edn.prototype.setValue = function(val) { if (!val || val.toString()._dhx_trim() == "") val = "0" this.cell.innerHTML = this.grid._aplNF(val, this.cell._cellIndex); } // Checkbox function eXcell_ch(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; this.cell.obj = this; } catch (er) { } this.disabledF = function(fl) { if ((fl == true) || (fl == 1)) this.cell.innerHTML = this.cell.innerHTML.replace("item_chk0.", "item_chk0_dis.").replace("item_chk1.", "item_chk1_dis."); else this.cell.innerHTML = this.cell.innerHTML.replace("item_chk0_dis.", "item_chk0.").replace("item_chk1_dis.", "item_chk1."); } this.changeState = function() { // nb: if (!this.grid.isEditable) return; if (typeof(this.grid.onEditCell) == "string") { if (eval(this.grid.onEditCell + "(0,'" + this.cell.parentNode.idd + "'," + this.cell._cellIndex + ");") != false) { this.val = this.getValue() if (this.val == "1") this.setValue("") else this.setValue("") // nb: eval(this.grid.onEditCell + "(1,'" + this.cell.parentNode.idd + "'," + this.cell._cellIndex + ");") if (this.grid.onCheckbox) this.grid.onCheckbox(this.cell.parentNode.idd, (this.val != '1'), this.cell._cellIndex); } else {// preserve editing (not tested thoroughly for this editor) this.grid.editor = null;// } } else { if (this.grid.onEditCell(0, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex) != false) { this.val = this.getValue() if (this.val == "1") this.setValue("") else this.setValue("") // nb: this.grid.onEditCell(1, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex) if (typeof(this.grid.onCheckbox) == 'function') this.grid.onCheckbox(this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex, (this.val != '1')) } else {// preserve editing (not tested thoroughly for this editor) this.editor = null; } } // /* * if(eval(this.grid.onEditCell+"(0,'"+this.cell.parentNode.idd+"',"+this.cell._cellIndex+");")!=false){ * this.val = this.getValue() if(this.val=="1") this.setValue("") else this.setValue("") //nb: * eval(this.grid.onEditCell+"(1,'"+this.cell.parentNode.idd+"',"+this.cell._cellIndex+");") * eval(this.grid.onCheckbox+"('"+this.cell.parentNode.idd+"',"+(this.val!='1')+","+this.cell._cellIndex+");") } */ // } this.getValue = function() { try { return this.cell.chstate.toString(); } catch (er) { return null; } } this.isCheckbox = function() { return true; } this.isChecked = function() { if (this.getValue() == "1") return true; else return false; } this.setChecked = function(fl) { this.setValue(fl.toString()) } this.detach = function() { return this.val != this.getValue(); } } eXcell_ch.prototype = new eXcell; eXcell_ch.prototype.setValue = function(val) { // val can be int val = (val || "").toString(); if (val.indexOf("1") != -1 || val.indexOf("true") != -1) { val = "1"; this.cell.chstate = "1"; } else { val = "0"; this.cell.chstate = "0" } var obj = this; this.cell.innerHTML = ""; } // Radiobutton function eXcell_ra(cell) { this.base = eXcell_ch; this.base(cell) this.grid = cell.parentNode.grid; this.disabledF = function(fl) { if ((fl == true) || (fl == 1)) this.cell.innerHTML = this.cell.innerHTML.replace("radio_chk0.", "radio_chk0_dis.") .replace("radio_chk1.", "radio_chk1_dis."); else this.cell.innerHTML = this.cell.innerHTML.replace( "radio_chk0_dis.", "radio_chk0.").replace( "radio_chk1_dis.", "radio_chk1."); } this.changeState = function() { if (!this.grid.isEditable) return; // nb: /* * if(eval(this.grid.onEditCell+"(0,'"+this.cell.parentNode.idd+"',"+this.cell._cellIndex+");")!=false){ * this.val = this.getValue() if(this.val=="0"){ this.setValue("") //nb: * eval(this.grid.onEditCell+"(1,'"+this.cell.parentNode.idd+"',"+this.cell._cellIndex+");") * eval(this.grid.onCheckbox+"('"+this.cell.parentNode.idd+"',"+(this.val!='1')+","+this.cell._cellIndex+");") * for(var i=0;i") } } } */ if (typeof(this.grid.onEditCell) == "string") { if (eval(this.grid.onEditCell + "(0,'" + this.cell.parentNode.idd + "'," + this.cell._cellIndex + ");") != false) { this.val = this.getValue() if (this.val == "1") this.setValue("") else this.setValue("") // nb: eval(this.grid.onEditCell + "(1,'" + this.cell.parentNode.idd + "'," + this.cell._cellIndex + ");") if (this.grid.onCheckbox) this.grid.onCheckbox(this.cell.parentNode.idd, (this.val != '1'), this.cell._cellIndex); for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.getRowsNum(); i++) { if (this.grid.cells2(i, this.cell._cellIndex).isChecked() && this.grid.cells2(i, this.cell._cellIndex).cell != this.cell) this.grid.cells2(i, this.cell._cellIndex) .setValue("") } } else {// preserve editing (not tested thoroughly for this editor) this.grid.editor = null;// } } else { if (this.grid.onEditCell(0, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex) != false) { this.val = this.getValue() if (this.val == "1") this.setValue("") else this.setValue("") // nb: this.grid.onEditCell(1, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex) if (typeof(this.grid.onCheckbox) == 'function') this.grid.onCheckbox(this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex, (this.val != '1')) for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.getRowsNum(); i++) { if (this.grid.cells2(i, this.cell._cellIndex).isChecked() && this.grid.cells2(i, this.cell._cellIndex).cell != this.cell) { this.grid.cells2(i, this.cell._cellIndex) .setValue("") this.grid.onEditCell(1, this.grid.rowsCol[i].idd, this.cell._cellIndex); } } } else {// preserve editing (not tested thoroughly for this editor) this.editor = null; } } } } eXcell_ra.prototype = new eXcell_ch; eXcell_ra.prototype.setValue = function(val) { if ((val || "").indexOf("1") != -1 || (val || "").indexOf("true") != -1) { val = "1"; this.cell.chstate = "1"; } else { val = "0"; this.cell.chstate = "0" } var obj = this; this.cell.innerHTML = ""; } // Multiline popup text editor function eXcell_txt(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; } catch (er) { } this.edit = function() { this.val = this.getValue() this.obj = document.createElement("TEXTAREA"); this.obj.className = "dhx_textarea"; this.obj.onclick = function(e) { (e || event).cancelBubble = true } var arPos = this.grid.getPosition(this.cell);// ,this.grid.objBox if (!this.cell._clearCell) this.obj.value = this.cell.innerHTML; // this.grid.entBox.appendChild(this.obj); // this.grid.objBox.appendChild(this.obj); document.body.appendChild(this.obj);// nb: this.obj.style.left = arPos[0] - this.grid.objBox.scrollLeft + "px"; this.obj.style.top = arPos[1] + this.cell.offsetHeight - this.grid.objBox.scrollTop + "px"; if (this.cell.scrollWidth < 200) this.obj.style.width = "200px"; else this.obj.style.width = this.cell.scrollWidth + "px"; this.obj.style.display = ""; this.obj.style.textAlign = this.cell.align; this.obj.focus(); this.obj.focus() } this.detach = function() { if (this.obj.value == "") { this.cell._clearCell = true; } else this.cell._clearCell = false; this.setValue(this.obj.value); // isIE()?this.obj.removeNode(true):this.grid.objBox.removeChild(this.obj); document.body.removeChild(this.obj); return this.val != this.getValue(); } } eXcell_txt.prototype = new eXcell; // Combobox function eXcell_co(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; this.combo = this.grid.getCombo(this.cell._cellIndex); this.editable = true } catch (er) { } this.shiftNext = function() { var z = this.list.options[this.list.selectedIndex + 1]; if (z) z.selected = true; this.obj.value = this.list.value; return true; } this.shiftPrev = function() { var z = this.list.options[this.list.selectedIndex - 1]; if (z) z.selected = true; this.obj.value = this.list.value; return true; } this.edit = function() { this.val = this.getValue(); this.text = this.cell.innerHTML._dhx_trim(); var arPos = this.grid.getPosition(this.cell)// ,this.grid.objBox) this.obj = document.createElement("TEXTAREA"); this.obj.className = "dhx_combo_edit"; this.obj.style.height = (this.cell.offsetHeight - 4) + "px"; this.obj.wrap = "soft"; this.obj.style.textAlign = this.cell.align; this.obj.onclick = function(e) { (e || event).cancelBubble = true } this.obj.value = this.text this.list = document.createElement("SELECT"); this.list.editor_obj = this; this.list.className = 'dhx_combo_select'; this.list.style.width = this.cell.offsetWidth + "px"; this.list.style.left = arPos[0] - this.grid.objBox.scrollLeft + "px";// arPos[0] this.list.style.top = arPos[1] + this.cell.offsetHeight - this.grid.objBox.scrollTop + "px";// arPos[1]+this.cell.offsetHeight; this.list.size = "6"; this.list.onclick = function(e) { var ev = e || window.event; var cell = ev.target || ev.srcElement // tbl.editor_obj.val=cell.combo_val; if (cell.tagName == "OPTION") cell = cell.parentNode; cell.editor_obj.setValue(cell.value); cell.editor_obj.editable = false; cell.editor_obj.detach(); } var comboKeys = this.combo.getKeys(); var fl = false var selOptId = 0; for (var i = 0; i < comboKeys.length; i++) { var val = this.combo.get(comboKeys[i]) this.list.options[this.list.options.length] = new Option(val, comboKeys[i]); if (comboKeys[i] == this.val) { selOptId = this.list.options.length - 1; fl = true; } } if (fl == false) {// if no such value in combo list this.list.options[this.list.options.length] = new Option(this.text, this.val === null ? "" : this.val); selOptId = this.list.options.length - 1; } document.body.appendChild(this.list)// nb:this.grid.objBox.appendChild(this.listBox); this.cstate = 1; if (this.editable) { this.cell.innerHTML = ""; } else { this.obj.style.width = "1px"; this.obj.style.height = "1px"; } this.cell.appendChild(this.obj); this.list.options[selOptId].selected = true; this.obj.focus(); this.obj.focus(); if (!this.editable) this.obj.style.visibility = "hidden"; } this.getValue = function() { return this.cell.combo_value; } this.getText = function() { return this.cell.innerHTML; } this.detach = function() { if (this.val != this.getValue()) { this.cell.wasChanged = true; } if (this.list.parentNode != null) { if (this.editable) if (this.obj.value._dhx_trim() != this.text) { this.setValue(this.obj.value) } else { this.setValue(this.val) } else this.setValue(this.list.value) } // nb: if (typeof(this.grid.onEditCell) == "string") eval(this.grid.onEditCell + "(2,'" + this.cell.parentNode.idd + "'," + this.cell._cellIndex + ");") else if (typeof(this.grid.onEditCell) == 'function') { this.grid.onEditCell(2, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex) } // this.obj.removeNode(true) if (this.list.parentNode) this.list.parentNode.removeChild(this.list); if (this.obj.parentNode) this.obj.parentNode.removeChild(this.obj); return this.val != this.getValue(); } } eXcell_co.prototype = new eXcell; eXcell_co.prototype.setValue = function(val) { if ((val || "").toString()._dhx_trim() == "") val = null if (val !== null) this.cell.innerHTML = this.grid.getCombo(this.cell._cellIndex).get(val) || val; else this.cell.innerHTML = " "; this.cell.combo_value = val; } // Selectbox function eXcell_coro(cell) { this.base = eXcell_co; this.base(cell) this.editable = false; } eXcell_coro.prototype = new eXcell_co; // color picker function eXcell_cp(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; } catch (er) { } this.edit = function() { this.val = this.getValue() this.obj = document.createElement("SPAN"); this.obj.style.border = "1px solid black"; this.obj.style.position = "absolute"; var arPos = this.grid.getPosition(this.cell);// ,this.grid.objBox this.colorPanel(4, this.obj) document.body.appendChild(this.obj);// this.grid.objBox.appendChild(this.obj); this.obj.style.left = arPos[0] - this.grid.objBox.scrollLeft; this.obj.style.top = arPos[1] + this.cell.offsetHeight - this.grid.objBox.scrollTop; } this.toolDNum = function(value) { if (value.length == 1) value = '0' + value; return value; } this.colorPanel = function(index, parent) { var tbl = document.createElement("TABLE"); parent.appendChild(tbl) tbl.cellSpacing = 0; tbl.editor_obj = this; tbl.style.cursor = "default"; tbl.style.cursor = "table-layout:fixed"; tbl.onclick = function(e) { var ev = e || window.event var cell = ev.target || ev.srcElement; var ed = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.editor_obj ed.setValue(cell.style.backgroundColor) ed.detach() } var cnt = 256 / index; for (var j = 0; j <= (256 / cnt); j++) { var r = tbl.insertRow(j); for (var i = 0; i <= (256 / cnt); i++) { for (var n = 0; n <= (256 / cnt); n++) { R = new Number(cnt * j) - (j == 0 ? 0 : 1) G = new Number(cnt * i) - (i == 0 ? 0 : 1) B = new Number(cnt * n) - (n == 0 ? 0 : 1) var rgb = this.toolDNum(R.toString(16)) + "" + this.toolDNum(G.toString(16)) + "" + this.toolDNum(B.toString(16)); var c = r.insertCell(i); c.width = "10px"; c.innerHTML = " ";// R+":"+G+":"+B;// c.title = rgb.toUpperCase() c.style.backgroundColor = rgb if (this.val != null && "#" + rgb.toUpperCase() == this.val .toUpperCase()) { c.style.border = "2px solid white" } } } } } this.getValue = function() { return this.cell.firstChild.style.backgroundColor;// this.getBgColor() } this.getRed = function() { return Number(parseInt(this.getValue().substr(1, 2), 16)) } this.getGreen = function() { return Number(parseInt(this.getValue().substr(3, 2), 16)) } this.getBlue = function() { return Number(parseInt(this.getValue().substr(5, 2), 16)) } this.detach = function() { // nb: if (typeof(this.grid.onEditCell) == "string") eval(this.grid.onEditCell + "(2,'" + this.cell.parentNode.idd + "'," + this.cell._cellIndex + ");") else { this.grid.onEditCell(2, this.cell.parentNode.idd, this.cell._cellIndex) } if (this.obj.offsetParent != null) document.body.removeChild(this.obj); // this.obj.removeNode(true) return this.val != this.getValue(); } } eXcell_cp.prototype = new eXcell; eXcell_cp.prototype.setValue = function(val) { this.cell.innerHTML = "
";// this.setBgColor(val) } // image /* * The corresponding cell value in XML should be a "^" delimited list of * following values: 1st - image src 2nd - image alt text (optional) 3rd - link * (optional) 4rd - target (optional, default is _self) */ function eXcell_img(cell) { try { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; } catch (er) { } this.getValue = function() { if (this.cell.firstChild.tagName == "IMG") return this.cell.firstChild.src + (this.cell.titFl != null ? "^" + this.cell.tit : ""); else if (this.cell.firstChild.tagName == "A") { var out = this.cell.firstChild.firstChild.src + (this.cell.titFl != null ? "^" + this.cell.tit : ""); out += "^" + this.cell.lnk; if (this.cell.trg) out += "^" + this.cell.trg return out; } } this.getTitle = function() { return this.cell.tit } } eXcell_img.prototype = new eXcell; eXcell_img.prototype.setValue = function(val) { var title = val; if (val.indexOf("^") != -1) { var ar = val.split("^"); val = ar[0] title = ar[1]; // link if (ar.length > 2) { this.cell.lnk = ar[2] if (ar[3]) this.cell.trg = ar[3] } this.cell.titFl = "1"; } this.cell.innerHTML = ""; if (this.cell.lnk) { this.cell.innerHTML = "" + this.cell.innerHTML + "" } this.cell.tit = title; } // extended simple editor (money oriented) function eXcell_price(cell) { this.base = eXcell_ed; this.base(cell) this.getValue = function() { if (this.cell.childNodes.length > 1) return this.cell.childNodes[1].innerHTML.toString()._dhx_trim() else return "0"; } } eXcell_price.prototype = new eXcell_ed; eXcell_price.prototype.setValue = function(val) { if (isNaN(Number(val))) { if (!(val || "") || (val || "")._dhx_trim() != "") val = 0;// alert("Value must be an integer") val = this.val || 0; } if (val > 0) { var color = "green"; this.cell.innerHTML = "$" + val + ""; } else { this.cell.innerHTML = "
"; } } // extended simple editor (dynamic of sales) function eXcell_dyn(cell) { this.base = eXcell_ed; this.base(cell) this.getValue = function() { return this.cell.firstChild.childNodes[1].innerHTML.toString() ._dhx_trim() } } eXcell_dyn.prototype = new eXcell_ed; eXcell_dyn.prototype.setValue = function(val) { if (!val || isNaN(Number(val))) { val = 0; } if (val > 0) { var color = "green"; var img = "dyn_up.gif"; } else if (val == 0) { var color = "black"; var img = "dyn_.gif"; } else { var color = "red"; var img = "dyn_down.gif"; } this.cell.innerHTML = "
" + val + "
"; } // readonly function eXcell_ro(cell) { this.cell = cell; this.grid = this.cell.parentNode.grid; this.edit = function() { } } eXcell_ro.prototype = new eXcell; /** * @desc: combobox object constructor (shouldn't be accessed directly - instead * please use getCombo(...) method of the grid) * @type: public * @returns: combobox for dhtmlxGrid */ function dhtmlXGridComboObject() { this.keys = new Array(); this.values = new Array(); /** * @desc: puts new combination of key and value into combobox * @type: public * @param: key - object to use as a key (should be a string in the case of * combobox) * @param: value - object value of combobox line */ this.put = function(key, value) { for (var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { if (this.keys[i] == key) { this.values[i] = value; return true; } } this.values[this.values.length] = value; this.keys[this.keys.length] = key; } /** * @desc: gets value corresponding to the given key * @type: public * @param: key - object to use as a key (should be a string in the case of * combobox) * @returns: value correspond. to given key or null if no such key */ this.get = function(key) { for (var i = 0; i < this.keys.length; i++) { if (this.keys[i] == key) { return this.values[i]; } } return null; } /** * @desc: clears combobox * @type: public */ this.clear = function() { /* * for(var i=0;i