/* * Ext JS Library 2.0 Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); // simple array store var store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ fields : ['abbr', 'state', 'nick'], data : Ext.exampledata.states // from states.js }); var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ store : store, displayField : 'state', typeAhead : true, mode : 'local', triggerAction : 'all', emptyText : 'Select a state...', selectOnFocus : true, applyTo : 'local-states' }); var comboWithTooltip = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ tpl : '
', store : store, displayField : 'state', typeAhead : true, mode : 'local', triggerAction : 'all', emptyText : 'Select a state...', selectOnFocus : true, applyTo : 'local-states-with-qtip' }); var converted = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ typeAhead : true, triggerAction : 'all', transform : 'state', width : 135, forceSelection : true }); // Create code view Panels. Ignore. new Ext.Panel({ contentEl : 'state-combo-code', width : Ext.getBody().child('p').getWidth(), title : 'View code to create this combo', hideCollapseTool : true, titleCollapse : true, collapsible : true, collapsed : true, renderTo : 'state-combo-code-panel' }); new Ext.Panel({ contentEl : 'state-combo-qtip-code', autoScroll : true, width : Ext.getBody().child('p').getWidth(), title : 'View code to create this combo', hideCollapseTool : true, titleCollapse : true, collapsible : true, collapsed : true, renderTo : 'state-combo-qtip-code-panel' }); new Ext.Panel({ contentEl : 'transformed-combo-code', autoScroll : true, width : Ext.getBody().child('p').getWidth(), title : 'View code to create this combo', hideCollapseTool : true, titleCollapse : true, collapsible : true, collapsed : true, renderTo : 'transformed-combo-code-panel' }); });