if (!dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.ComboBox"]) { // _hasResource checks added // by build. Do not use // _hasResource directly in // your code. dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.ComboBox"] = true; dojo.provide("dijit.form.ComboBox"); dojo.require("dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore"); dojo.require("dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"); dojo.requireLocalization("dijit.form", "ComboBox", null, "ko,zh,ja,zh-tw,ru,it,hu,ROOT,fr,pt,pl,es,de,cs"); dojo.declare("dijit.form.ComboBoxMixin", null, { // summary: // Auto-completing text box, and base class for FilteringSelect widget. // // The drop down box's values are populated from an class called // a data provider, which returns a list of values based on the // characters // that the user has typed into the input box. // // Some of the options to the ComboBox are actually arguments to the // data // provider. // // You can assume that all the form widgets (and thus anything that // mixes // in ComboBoxMixin) will inherit from _FormWidget and thus the "this" // reference will also "be a" _FormWidget. // item: Object // This is the item returned by the dojo.data.store implementation that // provides the data for this cobobox, it's the currently selected item. item : null, // pageSize: Integer // Argument to data provider. // Specifies number of search results per page (before hitting "next" // button) pageSize : Infinity, // store: Object // Reference to data provider object used by this ComboBox store : null, // query: Object // A query that can be passed to 'store' to initially filter the items, // before doing further filtering based on searchAttr and the key. query : {}, // autoComplete: Boolean // If you type in a partial string, and then tab out of the box, // automatically copy the first entry displayed in the drop down list to // the field autoComplete : true, // searchDelay: Integer // Delay in milliseconds between when user types something and we start // searching based on that value searchDelay : 100, // searchAttr: String // Searches pattern match against this field searchAttr : "name", // ignoreCase: Boolean // Set true if the ComboBox should ignore case when matching possible // items ignoreCase : true, // hasDownArrow: Boolean // Set this textbox to have a down arrow button. // Defaults to true. hasDownArrow : true, // _hasFocus: Boolean // Represents focus state of the textbox // TODO: get rid of this; it's unnecessary (but currently referenced in // FilteringSelect) _hasFocus : false, templateString : "
\n", baseClass : "dijitComboBox", _lastDisplayedValue : "", getValue : function() { // don't get the textbox value but rather the previously set hidden // value return dijit.form.TextBox.superclass.getValue .apply(this, arguments); }, setDisplayedValue : function(/* String */value) { this._lastDisplayedValue = value; this.setValue(value, true); }, _getCaretPos : function(/* DomNode */element) { // khtml 3.5.2 has selection* methods as does webkit nightlies from // 2005-06-22 if (typeof(element.selectionStart) == "number") { // FIXME: this is totally borked on Moz < 1.3. Any recourse? return element.selectionStart; } else if (dojo.isIE) { // in the case of a mouse click in a popup being handled, // then the document.selection is not the textarea, but the // popup // var r = document.selection.createRange(); // hack to get IE 6 to play nice. What a POS browser. var tr = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); var ntr = element.createTextRange(); tr.move("character", 0); ntr.move("character", 0); try { // If control doesnt have focus, you get an exception. // Seems to happen on reverse-tab, but can also happen on // tab (seems to be a race condition - only happens // sometimes). // There appears to be no workaround for this - googled for // quite a while. ntr.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", tr); return String(ntr.text).replace(/\r/g, "").length; } catch (e) { return 0; // If focus has shifted, 0 is fine for caret // pos. } } }, _setCaretPos : function(/* DomNode */element, /* Number */location) { location = parseInt(location); this._setSelectedRange(element, location, location); }, _setSelectedRange : function(/* DomNode */element, /* Number */start, /* Number */ end) { if (!end) { end = element.value.length; } // NOTE: Strange - should be able to put caret at start of text? // Mozilla // parts borrowed from // http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/13562/fid/130 if (element.setSelectionRange) { dijit.focus(element); element.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (element.createTextRange) { // IE var range = element.createTextRange(); with (range) { collapse(true); moveEnd('character', end); moveStart('character', start); select(); } } else { // otherwise try the event-creation hack (our own // invention) // do we need these? element.value = element.value; element.blur(); dijit.focus(element); // figure out how far back to go var dist = parseInt(element.value.length) - end; var tchar = String.fromCharCode(37); var tcc = tchar.charCodeAt(0); for (var x = 0; x < dist; x++) { var te = document.createEvent("KeyEvents"); te.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, null, false, false, false, false, tcc, tcc); element.dispatchEvent(te); } } }, onkeypress : function(/* Event */evt) { // summary: handles keyboard events // except for pasting case - ctrl + v(118) if (evt.altKey || (evt.ctrlKey && evt.charCode != 118)) { return; } var doSearch = false; this.item = null; // #4872 if (this._isShowingNow) { this._popupWidget.handleKey(evt); } switch (evt.keyCode) { case dojo.keys.PAGE_DOWN : case dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW : if (!this._isShowingNow || this._prev_key_esc) { this._arrowPressed(); doSearch = true; } else { this._announceOption(this._popupWidget .getHighlightedOption()); } dojo.stopEvent(evt); this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = false; break; case dojo.keys.PAGE_UP : case dojo.keys.UP_ARROW : if (this._isShowingNow) { this._announceOption(this._popupWidget .getHighlightedOption()); } dojo.stopEvent(evt); this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = false; break; case dojo.keys.ENTER : // prevent submitting form if user presses enter // also prevent accepting the value if either Next or // Previous are selected var highlighted; if (this._isShowingNow && (highlighted = this._popupWidget .getHighlightedOption())) { // only stop event on prev/next if (highlighted == this._popupWidget.nextButton) { this._nextSearch(1); dojo.stopEvent(evt); break; } else if (highlighted == this._popupWidget.previousButton) { this._nextSearch(-1); dojo.stopEvent(evt); break; } } else { this.setDisplayedValue(this.getDisplayedValue()); } // default case: // prevent submit, but allow event to bubble evt.preventDefault(); // fall through case dojo.keys.TAB : var newvalue = this.getDisplayedValue(); // #4617: if the user had More Choices selected fall into // the _onBlur handler if (this._popupWidget && (newvalue == this._popupWidget._messages["previousMessage"] || newvalue == this._popupWidget._messages["nextMessage"])) { break; } if (this._isShowingNow) { this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = false; if (this._popupWidget.getHighlightedOption()) { this._popupWidget.setValue({ target : this._popupWidget .getHighlightedOption() }, true); } this._hideResultList(); } break; case dojo.keys.SPACE : this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = false; if (this._isShowingNow && this._popupWidget.getHighlightedOption()) { dojo.stopEvent(evt); this._selectOption(); this._hideResultList(); } else { doSearch = true; } break; case dojo.keys.ESCAPE : this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = true; this._hideResultList(); if (this._lastDisplayedValue != this.getDisplayedValue()) { this.setDisplayedValue(this._lastDisplayedValue); dojo.stopEvent(evt); } else { this.setValue(this.getValue(), false); } break; case dojo.keys.DELETE : case dojo.keys.BACKSPACE : this._prev_key_esc = false; this._prev_key_backspace = true; doSearch = true; break; case dojo.keys.RIGHT_ARROW : // fall through case dojo.keys.LEFT_ARROW : // fall through this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = false; break; default :// non char keys (F1-F12 etc..) shouldn't open list this._prev_key_backspace = false; this._prev_key_esc = false; if (dojo.isIE || evt.charCode != 0) { doSearch = true; } } if (this.searchTimer) { clearTimeout(this.searchTimer); } if (doSearch) { // need to wait a tad before start search so that the event // bubbles through DOM and we have value visible this.searchTimer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, this._startSearchFromInput), this.searchDelay); } }, _autoCompleteText : function(/* String */text) { // summary: // Fill in the textbox with the first item from the drop down list, // and // highlight the characters that were auto-completed. For example, // if user // typed "CA" and the drop down list appeared, the textbox would be // changed to // "California" and "ifornia" would be highlighted. // IE7: clear selection so next highlight works all the time this._setSelectedRange(this.focusNode, this.focusNode.value.length, this.focusNode.value.length); // does text autoComplete the value in the textbox? // #3744: escape regexp so the user's input isn't treated as a // regular expression. // Example: If the user typed "(" then the regexp would throw // "unterminated parenthetical." // Also see #2558 for the autocompletion bug this regular expression // fixes. if (new RegExp("^" + escape(this.focusNode.value), this.ignoreCase ? "i" : "").test(escape(text))) { var cpos = this._getCaretPos(this.focusNode); // only try to extend if we added the last character at the end // of the input if ((cpos + 1) > this.focusNode.value.length) { // only add to input node as we would overwrite // Capitalisation of chars // actually, that is ok this.focusNode.value = text;// .substr(cpos); // visually highlight the autocompleted characters this._setSelectedRange(this.focusNode, cpos, this.focusNode.value.length); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "valuenow", text); } } else { // text does not autoComplete; replace the whole value and // highlight this.focusNode.value = text; this._setSelectedRange(this.focusNode, 0, this.focusNode.value.length); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "valuenow", text); } }, _openResultList : function(/* Object */results, /* Object */dataObject) { if (this.disabled || dataObject.query[this.searchAttr] != this._lastQuery) { return; } this._popupWidget.clearResultList(); if (!results.length) { this._hideResultList(); return; } // Fill in the textbox with the first item from the drop down list, // and // highlight the characters that were auto-completed. For example, // if user // typed "CA" and the drop down list appeared, the textbox would be // changed to // "California" and "ifornia" would be highlighted. var zerothvalue = new String(this.store.getValue(results[0], this.searchAttr)); if (zerothvalue && this.autoComplete && !this._prev_key_backspace && // when the user clicks the arrow button to show the full // list, // startSearch looks for "*". // it does not make sense to autocomplete // if they are just previewing the options available. (dataObject.query[this.searchAttr] != "*")) { this._autoCompleteText(zerothvalue); // announce the autocompleted value dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode || this.domNode, "valuenow", zerothvalue); } this._popupWidget.createOptions(results, dataObject, dojo.hitch( this, this._getMenuLabelFromItem)); // show our list (only if we have content, else nothing) this._showResultList(); // #4091: tell the screen reader that the paging callback finished // by shouting the next choice if (dataObject.direction) { if (dataObject.direction == 1) { this._popupWidget.highlightFirstOption(); } else if (dataObject.direction == -1) { this._popupWidget.highlightLastOption(); } this._announceOption(this._popupWidget.getHighlightedOption()); } }, _showResultList : function() { this._hideResultList(); var items = this._popupWidget.getItems(), visibleCount = Math.min( items.length, this.maxListLength); this._arrowPressed(); // hide the tooltip this._displayMessage(""); // Position the list and if it's too big to fit on the screen then // size it to the maximum possible height // Our dear friend IE doesnt take max-height so we need to calculate // that on our own every time // TODO: want to redo this, see // http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/3272, // http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/4108 with (this._popupWidget.domNode.style) { // natural size of the list has changed, so erase old // width/height settings, // which were hardcoded in a previous call to this function (via // dojo.marginBox() call) width = ""; height = ""; } var best = this.open(); // #3212: only set auto scroll bars if necessary // prevents issues with scroll bars appearing when they shouldn't // when node is made wider (fractional pixels cause this) var popupbox = dojo.marginBox(this._popupWidget.domNode); this._popupWidget.domNode.style.overflow = ((best.h == popupbox.h) && (best.w == popupbox.w)) ? "hidden" : "auto"; // #4134: borrow TextArea scrollbar test so content isn't covered by // scrollbar and horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear var newwidth = best.w; if (best.h < this._popupWidget.domNode.scrollHeight) { newwidth += 16; } dojo.marginBox(this._popupWidget.domNode, { h : best.h, w : Math.max(newwidth, this.domNode.offsetWidth) }); }, _hideResultList : function() { if (this._isShowingNow) { dijit.popup.close(this._popupWidget); this._arrowIdle(); this._isShowingNow = false; } }, _onBlur : function() { // summary: called magically when focus has shifted away from this // widget and it's dropdown this._hasFocus = false; this._hasBeenBlurred = true; this._hideResultList(); this._arrowIdle(); // if the user clicks away from the textbox OR tabs away, set the // value to the textbox value // #4617: if value is now more choices or previous choices, revert // the value var newvalue = this.getDisplayedValue(); if (this._popupWidget && (newvalue == this._popupWidget._messages["previousMessage"] || newvalue == this._popupWidget._messages["nextMessage"])) { this.setValue(this._lastValueReported, true); } else { this.setDisplayedValue(newvalue); } }, onfocus : function(/* Event */evt) { this._hasFocus = true; // update styling to reflect that we are focused this._onMouse(evt); }, _announceOption : function(/* Node */node) { // summary: // a11y code that puts the highlighted option in the textbox // This way screen readers will know what is happening in the menu if (node == null) { return; } // pull the text value from the item attached to the DOM node var newValue; if (node == this._popupWidget.nextButton || node == this._popupWidget.previousButton) { newValue = node.innerHTML; } else { newValue = this.store.getValue(node.item, this.searchAttr); } // get the text that the user manually entered (cut off // autocompleted text) this.focusNode.value = this.focusNode.value.substring(0, this ._getCaretPos(this.focusNode)); // autocomplete the rest of the option to announce change this._autoCompleteText(newValue); }, _selectOption : function(/* Event */evt) { var tgt = null; if (!evt) { evt = { target : this._popupWidget.getHighlightedOption() }; } // what if nothing is highlighted yet? if (!evt.target) { // handle autocompletion where the the user has hit ENTER or TAB this.setDisplayedValue(this.getDisplayedValue()); return; // otherwise the user has accepted the autocompleted value } else { tgt = evt.target; } if (!evt.noHide) { this._hideResultList(); this._setCaretPos(this.focusNode, this.store.getValue(tgt.item, this.searchAttr).length); } this._doSelect(tgt); }, _doSelect : function(tgt) { this.item = tgt.item; this.setValue(this.store.getValue(tgt.item, this.searchAttr), true); }, _onArrowMouseDown : function(evt) { // summary: callback when arrow is clicked if (this.disabled) { return; } dojo.stopEvent(evt); this.focus(); if (this._isShowingNow) { this._hideResultList(); } else { // forces full population of results, if they click // on the arrow it means they want to see more options this._startSearch(""); } }, _startSearchFromInput : function() { this._startSearch(this.focusNode.value); }, _startSearch : function(/* String */key) { if (!this._popupWidget) { this._popupWidget = new dijit.form._ComboBoxMenu({ onChange : dojo.hitch(this, this._selectOption) }); } // create a new query to prevent accidentally querying for a hidden // value from FilteringSelect's keyField var query = this.query; this._lastQuery = query[this.searchAttr] = key + "*"; var dataObject = this.store.fetch({ queryOptions : { ignoreCase : this.ignoreCase, deep : true }, query : query, onComplete : dojo.hitch(this, "_openResultList"), start : 0, count : this.pageSize }); function nextSearch(dataObject, direction) { dataObject.start += dataObject.count * direction; // #4091: tell callback the direction of the paging so the // screen reader knows which menu option to shout dataObject.direction = direction; dataObject.store.fetch(dataObject); } this._nextSearch = this._popupWidget.onPage = dojo.hitch(this, nextSearch, dataObject); }, _getValueField : function() { return this.searchAttr; }, // ///////////// Event handlers ///////////////////// _arrowPressed : function() { if (!this.disabled && this.hasDownArrow) { dojo.addClass(this.downArrowNode, "dijitArrowButtonActive"); } }, _arrowIdle : function() { if (!this.disabled && this.hasDownArrow) { dojo.removeClass(this.downArrowNode, "dojoArrowButtonPushed"); } }, compositionend : function(/* Event */evt) { // summary: When inputting characters using an input method, such as // Asian // languages, it will generate this event instead of onKeyDown event // Note: this event is only triggered in FF (not in IE) this.onkeypress({ charCode : -1 }); }, // ////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS // /////////////////////////////////////// constructor : function() { this.query = {}; }, postMixInProperties : function() { if (!this.hasDownArrow) { this.baseClass = "dijitTextBox"; } if (!this.store) { // if user didn't specify store, then assume there are option // tags var items = this.srcNodeRef ? dojo.query("> option", this.srcNodeRef).map(function(node) { node.style.display = "none"; return { value : node.getAttribute("value"), name : String(node.innerHTML) }; }) : {}; this.store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({ data : { identifier : this._getValueField(), items : items } }); // if there is no value set and there is an option list, // set the value to the first value to be consistent with native // Select if (items && items.length && !this.value) { // For