if (!dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.Form"]) { // _hasResource checks added by
// build. Do not use
// _hasResource directly in your
// code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit.form.Form"] = true;
dojo.declare("dijit.form._FormMixin", null, {
* summary: Widget corresponding to
myObj={name: "John Doe"};
* dijit.byId('myForm').setValues(myObj);
* myObj=dijit.byId('myForm').getValues(); TODO: Repeater better
* handling for arrays. Often form elements have names with [] like
* people[3].sex (for a list of people [{name: Bill, sex: M}, ...])
// HTML ",
_onSubmit : function(/* event */e) {
// summary: callback when user hits submit button
this.onExecute(); // notify container that we are about to execute
submit : function() {
// summary: programatically submit form
setValues : function(/* object */obj) {
// summary: fill in form values from a JSON structure
// generate map from name --> [list of widgets with that name]
var map = {};
dojo.forEach(this.getDescendants(), function(widget) {
if (!widget.name) {
var entry = map[widget.name] || (map[widget.name] = []);
// call setValue() or setChecked() for each widget, according to obj
for (var name in map) {
var widgets = map[name], // array of widgets w/this name
values = dojo.getObject(name, false, obj); // list of values
// for those widgets
if (!dojo.isArray(values)) {
values = [values];
if (widgets[0].setChecked) {
// for checkbox/radio, values is a list of which widgets
// should be checked
dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w, i) {
w.value) != -1);
} else {
// otherwise, values is a list of values to be assigned
// sequentially to each widget
dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w, i) {
* TODO: code for plain input boxes (this shouldn't run for inputs
* that are part of widgets
* dojo.forEach(this.containerNode.elements, function(element){ if
* (element.name == ''){return}; // like "continue" var namePath =
* element.name.split("."); var myObj=obj; var
* name=namePath[namePath.length-1]; for(var
* j=1,len2=namePath.length;j
* 1) { if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined") {
* myObj[nameA[0]]=[ ]; } // if
* nameIndex=parseInt(nameA[1]);
* if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]) == "undefined") {
* myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]={}; }
* myObj=myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]; continue; } // repeater support
* ends
* if(typeof(myObj[p]) == "undefined") { myObj=undefined; break; };
* myObj=myObj[p]; }
* if (typeof(myObj) == "undefined") { return; // like "continue" }
* if (typeof(myObj[name]) == "undefined" && this.ignoreNullValues) {
* return; // like "continue" }
* // TODO: widget values (just call setValue() on the widget)
* switch(element.type) { case "checkbox": element.checked = (name
* in myObj) && dojo.some(myObj[name], function(val){ return
* val==element.value; }); break; case "radio": element.checked =
* (name in myObj) && myObj[name]==element.value; break; case
* "select-multiple": element.selectedIndex=-1;
* dojo.forEach(element.options, function(option){ option.selected =
* dojo.some(myObj[name], function(val){ return option.value == val;
* }); }); break; case "select-one": element.selectedIndex="0";
* dojo.forEach(element.options, function(option){ option.selected =
* option.value == myObj[name]; }); break; case "hidden": case
* "text": case "textarea": case "password": element.value =
* myObj[name] || ""; break; } });
getValues : function() {
// summary: generate JSON structure from form values
// get widget values
var obj = {};
dojo.forEach(this.getDescendants(), function(widget) {
var value = widget.getValue
? widget.getValue()
: widget.value;
var name = widget.name;
if (!name) {
// Store widget's value(s) as a scalar, except for
// checkboxes which are automatically arrays
if (widget.setChecked) {
if (/Radio/.test(widget.declaredClass)) {
// radio button
if (widget.checked) {
dojo.setObject(name, value, obj);
} else {
// checkbox/toggle button
var ary = dojo.getObject(name, false, obj);
if (!ary) {
ary = [];
dojo.setObject(name, ary, obj);
if (widget.checked) {
} else {
// plain input
dojo.setObject(name, value, obj);
* code for plain input boxes (see also dojo.formToObject, can we
* use that instead of this code? but it doesn't understand []
* notation, presumably) var obj = { };
* dojo.forEach(this.containerNode.elements, function(elm){ if
* (!elm.name) { return; // like "continue" } var namePath =
* elm.name.split("."); var myObj=obj; var
* name=namePath[namePath.length-1]; for(var
* j=1,len2=namePath.length;j 1) {
* if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined") { myObj[nameA[0]]=[ ]; } //
* if nameIndex=parseInt(nameA[1]);
* if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]) == "undefined") {
* myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]={}; } } else
* if(typeof(myObj[nameA[0]]) == "undefined") { myObj[nameA[0]]={} } //
* if
* if (nameA.length == 1) { myObj=myObj[nameA[0]]; } else {
* myObj=myObj[nameA[0]][nameIndex]; } // if } // for
* if ((elm.type != "select-multiple" && elm.type != "checkbox" &&
* elm.type != "radio") || (elm.type=="radio" && elm.checked)) {
* if(name == name.split("[")[0]) { myObj[name]=elm.value; } else { //
* can not set value when there is no name } } else if (elm.type ==
* "checkbox" && elm.checked) { if(typeof(myObj[name]) ==
* 'undefined') { myObj[name]=[ ]; } myObj[name].push(elm.value); }
* else if (elm.type == "select-multiple") { if(typeof(myObj[name]) ==
* 'undefined') { myObj[name]=[ ]; } for (var
* jdx=0,len3=elm.options.length; jdx