/* * Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com You allowed to use this component * or parts of it under GPL terms To use it on other terms or get Professional * edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com */ function dhtmlXProtobarObject() { return this }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setOnShowHandler = function(func) { if (typeof(func) == "function") this.onShow = func; else this.onShow = eval(func) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype._getItemIndex = function(id) { for (var i = 0; i < this.itemsCount; i++) { if (this.items[i].id == id) return i }; return -1 }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setGfxPath = function(path) { this.sysGfxPath = path; if (this._adjustGFXPath) this._adjustGFXPath(path) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setOnHideHandler = function(func) { if (typeof(func) == "function") this.onHide = func; else this.onHide = eval(func) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setItemAction = function(id, action) { var z = this._getItemIndex(id); if (z >= 0) { this.items[z].setSecondAction(action) } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.getItem = function(itemId) { var z = this._getItemIndex(itemId); if (z >= 0) return this.items[z] }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.hideButtons = function(idList) { if (!idList) { for (var i = 0; i < this.itemsCount; i++) { var z = this.items[i].getTopNode(); z.style.display = "none"; if (this.extraMode) z.parentNode.style.display = "none"; this.items[i].hide = 1 }; return 0 }; var temp = idList.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { this.hideItem(temp[i]) } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.showButtons = function(idList) { if (!idList) { for (var i = 0; i < this.itemsCount; i++) { var w = this.items[i].getTopNode(); w.style.display = ""; if (this.extraMode) w.parentNode.style.display = ""; this.items[i].hide = 0 }; return 0 }; var temp = idList.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { this.showItem(temp[i]) } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.disableItem = function(itemId) { var z = this.getItem(itemId); if (z) { if (z.disable) z.disable() } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.enableItem = function(itemId) { var z = this.getItem(itemId); if (z) { if (z.enable) z.enable() } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.hideItem = function(itemId) { var z = this.getItem(itemId); if (z) { var w = z.getTopNode(); w.style.display = "none"; if (this.extraMode) w.parentNode.style.display = "none"; z.hide = 1; if (z.parentPanel) { this._scrollClear(z.parentPanel); this._scrollCheck(z.parentPanel) } } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.showItem = function(id) { var z = this.getItem(id); if (z) { var w = z.getTopNode(); w.style.display = ""; if (this.extraMode) w.parentNode.style.display = ""; z.hide = 0; if (z.parentPanel) { this._scrollClear(z.parentPanel); this._scrollCheck(z.parentPanel) } } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setOnClickHandler = function(func) { if (typeof(func) == "function") this.defaultAction = func; else this.defaultAction = eval(func) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setTitleText = function(newText) { this.tname = newText; this.nameCell.innerHTML = newText; this.preNameCell.innerHTML = newText }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setBarSize = function(width, height) { if (width) this.topNod.width = width; if (height) this.topNod.height = height }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.resetBar = function(idList) { for (var i = 0; i < this.itemsCount; i++) this.hideItem(this.items[i].id); var temp = idList.split(","); for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { this.showItem(temp[i]) } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.loadXMLFor = function(file, itemId, afterCall) { var z = this._getItemIndex(itemId); if (z >= 0) this._awaitXML = this.gitems[z]; this.xmlLoader.waitCall = afterCall || 0; this.xmlLoader.loadXML(file) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.loadXML = function(file, afterCall) { this.xmlLoader.waitCall = afterCall || 0; this.xmlLoader.loadXML(file) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.loadXMLString = function(xmlString, afterCall) { this.waitCall = afterCall || 0; this.xmlLoader.loadXMLString(xmlString) }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.showBar = function() { this.topNod.style.display = ""; if ((this.topNod.ieFix) && (this.topNod.style.position == "absolute")) { this.topNod.ieFix.style.display = ""; this.topNod.ieFix.style.position = "absolute"; this.topNod.ieFix.style.top = this.topNod.style.top; this.topNod.ieFix.style.left = this.topNod.style.left; this.topNod.ieFix.style.width = this.topNod.offsetWidth + "px"; this.topNod.ieFix.style.height = this.topNod.offsetHeight + "px" }; if (this.onShow) this.onShow() }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.hideBar = function() { this.topNod.style.display = "none"; if (this.topNod.ieFix) this.topNod.ieFix.style.display = "none"; if (this.onHide) this.onHide() }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.setBarAlign = function(align) { if ((align == "left") || (align == "top")) { this.preNameCell.innerHTML = ""; this.preNameCell.style.display = "none"; this.nameCell.style.display = ""; this.nameCell.width = "100%"; this.nameCell.innerHTML = this.tname }; if ((align == "center") || (align == "middle")) { this.preNameCell.style.display = ""; this.preNameCell.width = "50%"; this.nameCell.style.display = ""; this.nameCell.width = "50%"; this.nameCell.innerHTML = this.tname; this.preNameCell.innerHTML = this.tname }; if ((align == "right") || (align == "bottom")) { this.nameCell.innerHTML = ""; this.nameCell.style.display = "none"; this.preNameCell.style.display = ""; this.preNameCell.width = "100%"; this.preNameCell.innerHTML = this.tname } }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.dummyFunc = function() { return true }; dhtmlXProtobarObject.prototype.badDummy = function() { return false }; function dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject() { return this }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.setAction = function(func) { if (typeof(func) == "function") this.action = func; else this.action = eval(func) }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.setSecondAction = function(func) { if (typeof(func) == "function") this.persAction = func; else this.persAction = eval(func) }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.enable = function() { if (this.disableImage) this.imageTag.src = this.src; else if (!this.className) this.topNod.className = this.objectNode.className; else this.topNod.className = this.className; if (this.textTag) this.textTag.className = this.textClassName; this.topNod.onclick = this._onclickX; this.topNod.onmouseover = this._onmouseoverX; this.topNod.onmouseout = this._onmouseoutX; this.topNod.onmousedown = this._onmousedownX; this.topNod.onmouseup = this._onmouseupX }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.disable = function() { if (this.disableImage) { this.imageTag.src = this.disableImage } else this.topNod.className = "iconGray"; if (this.textTag) this.textTag.className = "buttonTextDisabled"; this.topNod.onclick = this.dummy; this.topNod.onmouseover = this.dummy; this.topNod.onmouseout = this.dummy; this.topNod.onmousedown = this.dummy; this.topNod.onmouseup = this.dummy }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onclickX = function(e, that) { if (!that) that = this.objectNode; if (that.topNod.dstatus) return; if ((!that.persAction) || (that.persAction())) if (that.action) { that.action(that.id) } }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.setHTML = function(htmlText) { this.topNod.innerHTML = htmlText }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.setAltText = function(imageText) { this.imageTag.alt = imageText }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.setImage = function(imageSrc, disabledImageSrc) { this.src = imageSrc; if (disabledImageSrc) this.disableImage = disabledImageSrc; if (this.topNod.onclick == this.dummy) { if (disabledImageSrc) this.imageTag.src = disabledImageSrc } else this.imageTag.src = imageSrc }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.dummy = function() { }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype.getTopNode = function() { return this.topNod }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onmouseoverY = function() { if (this._mvImage) this.imageTag.src = this._mvImage; else this.topNod.className = this.className + 'Over' }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onmouseoutY = function() { if (this._mnImage) this.imageTag.src = this._mnImage; else this.topNod.className = this.className }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onmousedownX = function() { this.className = this.objectNode.className + 'Down'; return true }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onmouseupX = function() { this.className = this.objectNode.className; return true }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onmouseoutX = function(e) { if (!e) e = event; if (this.timeoutop) clearTimeout(this.timeoutop); this.timeoutop = setTimeout(this.objectNode._delayedTimerCall( this.objectNode, "_onmouseoutY"), 100) }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._onmouseoverX = function(e) { if (!e) e = event; if (this.timeoutop) clearTimeout(this.timeoutop); this.timeoutop = setTimeout(this.objectNode._delayedTimerCall( this.objectNode, "_onmouseoverY"), 50) }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._delayedTimerCall = function(object, functionName, time) { this.callFunc = function() { eval("object." + functionName + "();") }; return this.callFunc }; dhtmlXButtonPrototypeObject.prototype._arg2obj = function(n, list) { var nAtr = new Object(); for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) nAtr[list[i]] = n[i]; return nAtr }; /* * Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com You allowed to use this component * or parts of it under GPL terms To use it on other terms or get Professional * edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com */