package com.sinosoft.lz.system.newsms.dao; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.formaction.Parameter; import com.formaction.vo.Msg; import com.formaction.vo.MsgDetail; import com.formaction.vo.NewMsg; import com.persistence.DbConnection; import com.persistence.service.assitant.generator.IdentityGenerator; import; import com.sinosoft.common.excel.JsonPluginsUtil; import; public class NewSmsDao { private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** * 2017-12-13 吴玉祥加 * 保存消息都数据库 * @param mg * @return * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public Msg saveMsg(NewMsg msg) throws ClassNotFoundException { Msg m=new Msg(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement st = null; DbConnection db = new DbConnection(); String sql = "INSERT INTO MSG_SEND_INFO" +"(FD_OBJECTID,MODULE,SUBMODULE,TASK_NAME,IS_EMERGENCY,EVENT_ID,SEND_TYPE,RECORDER_ID,RECORDER_ORG,SEND_TIME,MSG_CONTENT,MSG_TYPE,MSG_REPORT,PRIORITY,MSG_ACCESS,RECEIVER,RECEIVER_ORG,RECEIVER_PHONE)" + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; try { conn = db.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.prepareStatement(sql); msg.setFd_objectId(IdentityGenerator.getIdentityGenerator().gerenalIdentity(99)); st.setString(1, msg.getFd_objectId()); st.setString(2, msg.getModule()); st.setString(3, msg.getSubmodule()); st.setString(4, msg.getTask_name()); st.setString(5, msg.getIs_emergency()); st.setString(6, msg.getEvent_id()); st.setString(7, msg.getSend_type()); st.setString(8, msg.getRecorder_id()); st.setString(9, msg.getRecorder_org()); st.setString(10, msg.getSend_time()); st.setString(11, msg.getMsg_content()); st.setString(12, msg.getMsg_type()); st.setString(13, msg.getMsg_report()); st.setString(14, msg.getPriority()); st.setString(15, msg.getMsg_access()); st.setString(16, msg.getReceiver()); st.setString(17, msg.getReceiver_org()); st.setString(18, msg.getReceiver_phone()); //st.setString(19, msg.getSend_state()); //st.setString(20, msg.getSend_result()); //st.setString(21, msg.getReceipt()); //st.setString(22, msg.getMsg_id()); //st.setString(23, msg.getReceipt_time()); //st.setString(24, msg.getError_code()); int result = st.executeUpdate(); if(result>0){"保存成功"); conn.commit(); m.setSucsess(new Boolean(true).toString()); m.setInfo(msg.getFd_objectId()); return m; }else{ m.setSucsess(new Boolean(false).toString()); m.setInfo(Parameter.DELETE_FAILURE); // st.executeBatch(); conn.rollback();"保存失败"); return m;} } catch (SQLException e) { this.log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ClassNotFoundException("DAO Layou: 消息保存", e); } finally { db.close(st); db.close(conn); } } /* * 本地保存 */ public String saveMsgDetail(MsgDetail msgDetail) throws ClassNotFoundException { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql = "INSERT INTO MSG_SEND_DETAIL" +"(FD_OBJECTID,TASK_NAME,RECEIVER_ID,RECEIVER_PHONE,SEND_RESULT,RECEIVE_TIME,INFO_ID,RECEIPT,ERROR_CODE,SEND_STATE,RECEIVER_ORG,RECEIVER_NAME)" + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; try { msgDetail.setFd_objectId(IdentityGenerator.getIdentityGenerator().gerenalIdentity(99)); /*st.setString(1, msgDetail.getFd_objectId()); st.setString(2, msgDetail.getTask_name()); st.setString(3, msgDetail.getReceiver_id()); st.setString(4, msgDetail.getReceiver_phone()); st.setString(5, msgDetail.getSend_result()); st.setString(6, msgDetail.getReceive_time()); st.setString(7, msgDetail.getInfo_id()); //st.setString(8, msgDetail.getMsg_content()); st.setString(8, msgDetail.getReceipt()); st.setString(9, msgDetail.getError_code()); st.setString(10, msgDetail.getSend_state());*/ int result = template.update(sql, msgDetail.getFd_objectId(),msgDetail.getTask_name(), msgDetail.getReceiver_id() , msgDetail.getReceiver_phone(), msgDetail.getSend_result(), msgDetail.getReceive_time() , msgDetail.getInfo_id(), msgDetail.getReceipt(), msgDetail.getError_code(), msgDetail.getSend_state(),msgDetail.getReceiver_org(),msgDetail.getReceiver_name() ); if(result>0){"保存成功"); return "1"; }else{"保存失败"); return "0";} } catch (SQLException e) { this.log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ClassNotFoundException("DAO Layou: 消息保存", e); } } /** * 用于保存短信明细(接口) * 2018-2-1吴玉祥添加 * @param msgDetail * @return * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public String saveMsgDetail1(MsgDetail msgDetail) throws ClassNotFoundException {"开始保存短信明细"); ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); MsgDao msgDao = new MsgDao(); String sendMsg = ""; String sql = "INSERT INTO MSG_SEND_DETAIL" +"(FD_OBJECTID,TASK_NAME,RECEIVER_ID,RECEIVER_PHONE,SEND_RESULT,RECEIVE_TIME,INFO_ID,RECEIPT,ERROR_CODE,SEND_STATE,RECEIVER_ORG,RECEIVER_NAME)" + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; try { msgDetail.setFd_objectId(IdentityGenerator.getIdentityGenerator().gerenalIdentity(99)); /*st.setString(1, msgDetail.getFd_objectId()); st.setString(2, msgDetail.getTask_name()); st.setString(3, msgDetail.getReceiver_id()); st.setString(4, msgDetail.getReceiver_phone()); st.setString(5, msgDetail.getSend_result()); st.setString(6, msgDetail.getReceive_time()); st.setString(7, msgDetail.getInfo_id()); //st.setString(8, msgDetail.getMsg_content()); st.setString(8, msgDetail.getReceipt()); st.setString(9, msgDetail.getError_code()); st.setString(10, msgDetail.getSend_state());*/ int result = template.update(sql, msgDetail.getFd_objectId(),msgDetail.getTask_name(), msgDetail.getReceiver_id() , msgDetail.getReceiver_phone(), msgDetail.getSend_result(), msgDetail.getReceive_time() , msgDetail.getInfo_id(), msgDetail.getReceipt(), msgDetail.getError_code(), msgDetail.getSend_state(),msgDetail.getReceiver_org(),msgDetail.getReceiver_name() ); if(result>0){"保存短信明细成功,马上开始短信接口"); String msgID=msgDetail.getFd_objectId(); boolean flag = msgDao.sendShortMessage(msgDetail.getReceiver_phone(), msgDetail.getMsg_content(), msgID); if(flag) { msgDao.updateMsgDetail("DELIVRD",msgID); sendMsg = "1";//发送成功 }else{ msgDao.updateMsgDetail("fail",msgID); sendMsg = "0";//发送失败 } }else{"保存失败"); } return sendMsg; } catch (SQLException e) { this.log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new ClassNotFoundException("DAO Layou: 消息保存", e); } } public String getSendData(String user_id){ ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql ="select distinct a.fd_objectid,a.task_name,a.event_id,a.module,a.send_type,a.send_time,a.msg_content " + " from msg_send_info a,msg_send_detail b" + " where a.fd_objectid = b.info_id and a.recorder_id =? " + " order by a.send_time desc"; String sql1 = ""; String sql2 = "";"sql=============="+sql); ArrayList> list = null; ArrayList> success = null; ArrayList> failure = null; StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); try { list =template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id); for(int i=0;i").replaceAll("\"", "引号").replaceAll("\\\\", "斜杠")+"\""); json.append("},"); } if(list.size()>0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.length()-1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String result ="{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}";"result==========="+result); return result; } public String getReceiveData(String user_id){ ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql ="select a.fd_objectid,a.task_name,a.event_id,a.module,a.send_type,a.send_time,c.real_name as recorder_name,a.msg_content " + " from msg_send_info a,msg_send_detail b,sys_user_info c " + " where a.fd_objectid = b.info_id and a.recorder_id = c.user_id and b.receiver_id=? " + " order by a.send_time desc";"sql================="+sql); ArrayList> list = null; StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); try { list =template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id); for(int i=0;i").replaceAll("\"", "引号").replaceAll("\\\\", "斜杠")+"\""); json.append("},"); } if(list.size()>0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.length()-1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String result ="{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}"; return result; } public String match(String phone){ ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql = "select a.user_id,a.real_name,b.corp_name,b.dept_name from sys_user_info a,sys_department b " + "where a.dept_id = b.dept_id " + "and = ?";"sql========"+sql); ArrayList> list =null; StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, phone); if(!(list==null||list.size()==0)){ json.append("{"); json.append("\"user_id\":\""+list.get(0).get("USER_ID")+"\","); json.append("\"user_name\":\""+list.get(0).get("REAL_NAME")+"\","); json.append("\"user_dept\":\""+list.get(0).get("DEPT_NAME")+"\","); json.append("\"user_corp\":\""+list.get(0).get("CORP_NAME")+"\""); json.append("}"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return json.toString(); } public String getNumData(String user_id){ ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sTaskNum = ""; String rTaskNum = ""; String sMsgNum = ""; String rMsgNum = ""; //用户短信发送任务数 String sql1 ="select count(fd_objectId) from msg_send_info where recorder_id = ?"; //用户短信接收任务数 String sql2 ="select count(a.fd_objectId) from msg_send_info a, msg_send_detail b where a.fd_objectId = b.info_id and b.receiver_id = ?"; //用户短信发送条数 String sql3 ="select count(b.fd_objectId) from msg_send_info a, msg_send_detail b where a.fd_objectId = b.info_id and a.recorder_id = ?"; //用户短息接收条数 String sql4 ="select count(fd_objectId) from msg_send_detail where receiver_id = ?";"用户短信发送任务数sql1============="+sql1);"用户短信接收任务数sql2============="+sql2);"用户短信发送条数sql3============="+sql3);"用户短信接收条数sql4============="+sql4); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); try { sTaskNum = template.getResultList(sql1, user_id).get(0); rTaskNum = template.getResultList(sql2, user_id).get(0); sMsgNum = template.getResultList(sql3, user_id).get(0); rMsgNum = template.getResultList(sql4, user_id).get(0); json.append("{"); json.append("\"sTaskNum\":\""+sTaskNum+"\","); json.append("\"rTaskNum\":\""+rTaskNum+"\","); json.append("\"sMsgNum\":\""+sMsgNum+"\","); json.append("\"rMsgNum\":\""+rMsgNum+"\""); json.append("}"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return json.toString(); } public String getRecentData(String user_id, String name) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); String sql =""; String nameCondition= " and (login_name like'%"+name+"%' or user_name like'%"+name+"%')"; //本人发的短信的接收者 String receiverSql ="select distinct top 200 b.receiver_id as user_id,d.real_name as user_name,d.login_name as login_name,c.corp_name as corp_name,c.dept_name as dept_name, as phone,b.receive_time as temp_date" + " from msg_send_info a,msg_send_detail b,sys_department c,sys_user_info d" + " where a.recorder_id = ? and d.user_id = b.receiver_id and c.dept_id = d.dept_id"; //本人收到的短信的发送者 String recorderSql ="select distinct top 200 a.recorder_id as user_id,d.real_name as user_name,d.login_name as login_name,c.corp_name as corp_name,c.dept_name as dept_name, as phone,b.receive_time as temp_date" + " from msg_send_info a,msg_send_detail b,sys_department c,sys_user_info d" + " where b.receiver_id = ? and d.user_id = b.receiver_id and c.dept_id = d.dept_id"; //按时间倒序,按id去重 String sql1 ="select user_id,login_name,user_name ,corp_name ,dept_name,phone,temp_date " + " from " + " (" + " select row_number() over(partition by user_id order by temp_date) as num, * " + " from" + " (" + receiverSql + " union " + recorderSql + " )" + " ) as t" + " where t.num =1"; if("".equals(name)||name==null){//初始加载 sql = sql1+ " order by temp_date desc"; }else{ sql = sql1+nameCondition+" order by temp_date desc"; }"sql============="+sql); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id,user_id); for(int i=0;i0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.length()-1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String result = "{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}";"result========="+result); return result; } public String getOrgData(String dept_id) { if(!"".equals(dept_id)){ dept_id = dept_id.replace("999|", ""); } ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); String sql ="select top 200 a.user_id ,a.real_name,b.corp_name,b.dept_name, " + " from sys_user_info a,sys_department b " + " where a.dept_id =b.dept_id and a.dept_id = ? ";"sql============="+sql); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, dept_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for(int i=0;i0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.length()-1); } String result ="{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}"; return result; } public String getNameData(String name) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); String sql ="select top 200 a.user_id ,a.real_name,b.corp_name,b.dept_name, " + " from sys_user_info a,sys_department b " + " where a.dept_id = b.dept_id" + " and (a.login_name like '%"+name+"%' or a.real_name like '%"+name+"%')";"sql============="+sql); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for(int i=0;i0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.length()-1); } String result ="{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}"; return result; } public String getGroup(String user_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); String sql ="select group_id ,group_name,update_time ,order_number,parent_id" + " from msg_group " + " where creater_id = ? and is_del = '0' " + " order by order_number,update_time desc"; //应急指挥中心 json.append("{"); json.append("\"id\":\""+"0"+"\","); json.append("\"name\":\""+"贵州电网公司应急指挥中心"+"\","); json.append("\"order_number\":\""+"0"+"\","); json.append("\"parentId\":\""+""+"\","); json.append("\"parentId\":\""+""+"\","); json.append("\"open\":\""+"true"+"\","); json.append("\"icon\":\"/nwyj/scripts/qui/libs/icons/user_group.png\""); json.append("},"); json.append("{"); json.append("\"id\":\""+"1"+"\","); json.append("\"name\":\""+"贵州电网公司应急办"+"\","); json.append("\"order_number\":\""+""+"\","); json.append("\"parentId\":\""+"0"+"\","); json.append("\"icon\":\"/nwyj/scripts/qui/libs/icons/user_group.png\""); json.append("},"); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id); for(int i=0;i> list = new ArrayList>(); String sql = ""; StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); if(group_id.equals("0")){//应急指挥中心 sql = "select a.inlink_index as user_id,a.inlink_name as user_name, as mobile, d.corp_name as corp_name,d.dept_name " + " from emc_am_org_inlink a,SYS_USER_INFO b,sys_department d" + " where a.is_del='0' and virtual_org_id ='dd84a5d4d4b046cca28a52a2445ee55b' and a.inlink_index = b.user_id and b.dept_id = d.dept_id" + " order by sort_no asc"; }else if(group_id.equals("1")){//应急办 sql = "select a.inlink_index as user_id,a.inlink_name as user_name, as mobile, d.corp_name as corp_name,d.dept_name " + " from emc_am_org_inlink a,SYS_USER_INFO b,sys_department d" + " where a.is_del='0' and virtual_org_id ='9fe1b6fe993b48cfaeba714a25359d7c' and a.inlink_index = b.user_id and b.dept_id = d.dept_id" + " order by sort_no asc"; }else{ sql = "select a.user_id,a.user_name,a.update_time,c.corp_name,c.dept_name, " + " from msg_group_data a,sys_user_info b,sys_department c " + " where a.group_id =? and a.user_id = b.user_id and b.dept_id = c.dept_id and a.is_del ='0'" + " order by a.update_time desc"; }"sql============="+sql); try { if(group_id.equals("0")||group_id.equals("1")){ list = template.getSerachResult(sql); }else{ list = template.getSerachResult(sql, group_id); } for(int i=0;i0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.length()-1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String result ="{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}"; return result; } public String createGroup(String group_name, String creater_id,String now,String json,String parent_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String group_id = IdentityGenerator.getIdentityGenerator().gerenalIdentity(99); int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; List> list = JsonPluginsUtil.jsonToMapList(json); int length = list.size(); int num = 0; String sql ="select * from MSG_GROUP where is_del ='0'"; String sql1 = "insert into msg_group (group_id,group_name,update_time,creater_id,is_del,order_number,parent_id) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String sql2 = "insert into msg_group_data(fd_objectid,user_id,user_name,group_id,update_time,is_del) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)";"sql=============="+sql1);"sql1============="+sql2); try { num = template.getSearchResult(sql).size(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { flag1 = template.update(sql1, group_id,group_name,now,creater_id,"0",num,parent_id); for(int i=0;i -1) { flag2++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"flag1="+flag1+"||"+"flag2="+flag2+"||"+"length="+length); if(length==flag2&&flag1>-1){ return "1";//成功 }else{ return "0";//失败 } } public String updateGroup(String group_id, String group_name, String json,String now) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; int flag3 = 0; String sql = "update msg_group set group_name='"+group_name+"' where group_id =? "; String sql1 = "update msg_group_data set is_del = '1' where group_id =?"; String sql2 = "insert into msg_group_data(fd_objectid,user_id,user_name,group_id,update_time,is_del) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)";"sql=============="+sql);"sql1============="+sql1);"sql2============="+sql2); List> list = JsonPluginsUtil.jsonToMapList(json); int length = list.size(); try { flag1 = template.update(sql, group_id); flag2 = template.update(sql1, group_id); for(int i=0;i-1){ flag3++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"flag1="+flag1+"||"+"flag2="+flag2+"||"+"flag3+"+flag3+"||"+"length="+length); if(flag1>-1&&flag2>-1&&flag3==length){ return "1";//成功 }else{ return "0"; } } public String deleteGroup(String group_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql1 = "update msg_group set is_del ='1' where group_id =?"; String sql2 = "update msg_group_data set is_del='1' where group_id =?"; int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; try { flag1 = template.update(sql1, group_id); flag2 = template.update(sql2, group_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(flag1>-1&&flag2>-1){ return "1"; }else{ return "0"; } } public String updateGroupOrder(String json,String targetNode) { List> list = JsonPluginsUtil.jsonToMapList(json); List> list1 = JsonPluginsUtil.jsonToMapList(targetNode); String sql = "update msg_group set order_number = ? where group_id = ?"; String sql1 = "update msg_group set parent_id = ? where group_id = ?"; ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String result = ""; int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; for(int i=0;i-1){ flag1++; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { int num = template.update(sql1, list1.get(0).get("parentId"),list1.get(0).get("id")); if(num>-1){ flag2++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(flag1==list.size()&&flag2>0){ result = "1"; } return result; } public String updateGroupName(String group_id, String group_name) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql = "update msg_group set group_name =? where group_id =?"; String result = "";"sql========"+sql); try { int num = template.update(sql, group_name,group_id); if(num>0){ result = "1"; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public String updateUserPhone(String user_id, String real_name,String default_phone, String receive_phone, String all_phone) { String result =""; ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = null; String sql1 = "select user_id from msg_user_phone where user_id = ?"; String sql2 = "update msg_user_phone" + " set real_name=?,default_phone=?,receive_phone=?,all_phone=?" + " where user_id =?"; String sql3 = "insert into msg_user_phone " + " (user_id,real_name,default_phone,receive_phone,is_del,all_phone) " + " values(?,?,?,?,?,?)";"sql1=========="+sql1);"sql2=========="+sql2);"sql3=========="+sql3); int flag2 = 0; int flag3 = 0; try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql1, user_id); if(list.size()>0){//修改 flag2 = template.update(sql2, real_name,default_phone,receive_phone,all_phone,user_id); }else{//新增 flag3 = template.update(sql3, user_id,real_name,default_phone,receive_phone,0,all_phone); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"flag2======="+flag2+",flag3==========="+flag3); if(flag2>0||flag3>0){ result = "1"; } return result; } public String getPhone(String user_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); String sql = "select default_phone,receive_phone,all_phone from msg_user_phone where user_id = ?";"sql==============="+sql); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id); if(list.size()>0){ json.append("{"); json.append("\"default_phone\":\""+list.get(0).get("DEFAULT_PHONE")+"\","); json.append("\"receive_phone\":\""+list.get(0).get("RECEIVE_PHONE")+"\","); json.append("\"all_phone\":\""+list.get(0).get("ALL_PHONE")+"\""); json.append("}"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String result = json.toString();"result======="+result); return result; } public String getDeptId(String user_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); String sql ="select a.dept_id,b.corp_name from sys_user_info a,sys_department b where user_id =? and a.dept_id = b.dept_id"; try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "{" + "\"dept_id\":\""+list.get(0).get("DEPT_ID")+"\"," + "\"corp_name\":\""+list.get(0).get("CORP_NAME")+"\"" + "}"; } public String getDataByTaskId(String task_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList> list = null; ArrayList> success = null; ArrayList> failure = null; String sql ="select distinct a.fd_objectid,a.task_name,a.module,a.submodule,a.is_emergency,a.event_id, a.send_type,c.real_name,a.recorder_org,a.send_time,a.msg_content" + " from msg_send_info a,msg_send_detail b ,sys_user_info c" + " where a.fd_objectid = b.info_id and a.recorder_id=c.user_id and a.fd_objectid =? " + " order by a.send_time desc"; String sql1 = "select a.fd_objectId " + " from msg_send_detail a,msg_send_info b " + " where a.send_result <>'发送失败' " + " and b.fd_objectid=?" + " and b.fd_objectid = a.info_id"; String sql2 = "select a.fd_objectId " + " from msg_send_detail a,msg_send_info b " + " where a.send_result ='发送失败' " + " and b.fd_objectid=?" + " and b.fd_objectid = a.info_id";"sql==============="+sql);"sql1=============="+sql1);"sql2=============="+sql2); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, task_id); success = template.getSerachResult(sql1, task_id); failure = template.getSerachResult(sql2, task_id); String send_result =(success.size())+"/"+(success.size()+failure.size()); if(list.size()>0){ json.append("{"); json.append("\"task_name\":\""+list.get(0).get("TASK_NAME").replaceAll("\"", "引号").replaceAll("\\\\", "斜杠")+"\","); json.append("\"module\":\""+list.get(0).get("MODULE")+"\","); json.append("\"submodule\":\""+list.get(0).get("SUBMODULE")+"\","); String is_emergency = list.get(0).get("IS_EMERGENCY"); if("突发事件任务短信".equals(is_emergency)){ is_emergency="是"; }else{ is_emergency="否"; } json.append("\"is_emergency\":\""+is_emergency+"\","); json.append("\"event_name\":\""+list.get(0).get("EVENT_ID")+"\","); json.append("\"send_type\":\""+list.get(0).get("SEND_TYPE")+"\","); json.append("\"send_result\":\""+send_result+"\","); json.append("\"recorder_name\":\""+list.get(0).get("REAL_NAME")+"\","); json.append("\"recorder_org\":\""+list.get(0).get("RECORDER_ORG")+"\","); json.append("\"send_time\":\""+list.get(0).get("SEND_TIME")+"\","); json.append("\"msg_content\":\""+list.get(0).get("MSG_CONTENT").replaceAll("\n","
").replaceAll("\"", "引号").replaceAll("\\\\", "斜杠").replaceAll(" ", " ")+"\""); json.append("}"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return json.toString(); } public String getDetailByTaskId(String task_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); String sql ="select a.fd_objectId,a.receiver_org,a.receiver_name,a.receiver_phone,a.receive_time,a.send_result,b.event_id,b.module from msg_send_detail a,msg_send_info b " + " where a.info_id = b.fd_objectId and a.info_id = ?" + " order by a.receive_time desc,b.event_id desc,b.module ";"sql==========="+sql); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, task_id); for(int i=0;i0){ json.deleteCharAt(json.lastIndexOf(",")); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String result ="{\"rows\":["+json.toString()+"]}"; return result; } public String resend(String fd_objectId) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); /* * 获取短信的相关信息 */ ArrayList> list = new ArrayList>(); String getMsgInfo = "select a.*,b.msg_content from msg_send_detail a,msg_send_info b where a.fd_objectId = ? and a.info_id = b.fd_objectId";"获取本条短信明细sql====getMsgInfo==="+getMsgInfo); try { list = template.getSerachResult(getMsgInfo, fd_objectId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String msg_content = list.get(0).get("MSG_CONTENT"); String receive_phone = list.get(0).get("RECEIVER_PHONE"); /* * 重新发送短信 */ MsgDao md = new MsgDao(); boolean flag = md.sendShortMessage(msg_content,receive_phone,fd_objectId); int result = 0; if(flag==true){ String sql ="update msg_send_detail set send_result = '重新发送成功' where fd_objectId =?";"sql=========="+sql); try { result = template.update(sql, fd_objectId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return String.valueOf(result); } public String getReceivePhone(String user_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); String sql = "select receive_phone from msg_user_phone where user_id =?";"getReceivePhone sql=============================="+sql); List list = null; try { list=template.getResultList(sql, user_id); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } if(list.size()>0){ return list.get(0); }else{ return ""; } } public String getRole(String user_id) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); ArrayList> list =new ArrayList>(); String sql = "select role_id from sys_user_role_rel where user_id =?";"getRole sql=================="+sql); try { list = template.getSerachResult(sql, user_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String role_id = ""; for(int i=0;i0){ role_id = role_id.substring(0, role_id.length()-1); } String result ="{\"role_id\":\""+role_id+"\"}"; return result; } public String saveRolePhone(String user_id, String receive_phone) { ORGTemplate template = new ORGTemplate(); int flag1 = 0; int flag2 = 0; String result = ""; String sql1 = "update sys_user_info set mobile = ? where user_id = ?"; String sql2 = "update msg_user_phone set default_phone =?,receive_phone=? where user_id =?";"sql1==================="+sql1);"sql2==================="+sql2); try { flag1 = template.update(sql1, receive_phone.split(",")[0],user_id); flag2 = template.update(sql2, receive_phone.split(",")[0],receive_phone,user_id);"flag1========================="+flag1);"flag2========================="+flag2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(flag1>0&&flag2>0){ result = "success"; }"result====================="+result); return result; } }